Chapter 171

"You are insane." Madeline shook her head in disbelief. She was speechless. She couldn't believe all the stunts that Zane pulled just because she didn't want to date him for real. "Zane Eastwood, you're fucking insane!"

"Yeah, I'm insane because of you. You should blame yourself for being so fucking blind, Madeline Rose," Zane retorted. "Do you think I will do this if you accept me? I've been so good to you, protected you, and did everything you asked me to do. But you willingly sold your body to that scum just for a bit of money! You're an insane whore!"


Madeline slapped Zane without thinking. She was just so humiliated and hurt hearing all of those cruel words that came out of Zane's mouth.

Madeline admired this man so much that she became his fan since they worked together in a musical drama when they were ten.