Chapter 172

Madeline felt that blood had been drained out of her body. She stared at Zane with a lost expression, unsure of how she should accept defeat. 

But before she could do anything, Zane slowly leaned forward, attempting to kiss her lips.

Madeline wanted to dodge, but Zane sensed her reluctance and pinched her chin, ensuring she couldn't avoid him. 

"No, I don't want it! Stop this, Zane!"

"It's just a kiss, Maddy. Don't you realize how many kisses and making out we will have to do during the filming of the new TV show?" Zane chuckled. "Take it as a practice because you have to be prepared for the real thing eventually."

Madeline struggled by pushing him away, but she was not as strong as he was. 

Zane easily overpowered her and planted a kiss on her lips while she closed her eyes out of fear and disgust, two things that she never felt for Zane before.