Caleb Li Transformation - Part 2

Justin glared at Caleb Li, a clear disdain etched on his face. With Kenzo still on the road to recovery, Justin had assumed the leadership of their small gang, fueling his desire for revenge against Caleb.

"Are you ready to pay with your blood?" he sneered, his eyes flashing with malice.

"Justin! What are you doing?!" Rose exclaimed, stepping forward, her concern for Caleb Li evident in her voice.

Justin turned his attention to Rose, a sinister grin playing on his lips. "If you don't step aside, I won't mind adding you to the fray."

Rose's chest rose and fell with indignation. For too long, Kenzo and his gang had been terrorizing weaker students in the school, and the administration turned a blind eye. 

The impending college entrance examinations seemed to be the school's primary concern, and they viewed the skirmishes between students as a means for the weaker ones to toughen up. 

But Rose saw it differently; it was blatant bullying, and the school had failed to protect its students.

Kenzo's gang may have been individually weak, with their leader only at Rank-3 Mortal Warrior, but their strength lay in numbers. 

They overwhelmed their victims with sheer force and intimidation. Today was no exception.

As the tension in the desolate alley escalated, Rose stood with a sense of inner turmoil. She knew her own limits in combat. 

Facing two Rank-3 Mortal Warriors posed little challenge; three would be a struggle. But when the numbers exceeded that threshold, her chances of victory diminished. 

The impending confrontation was no longer a mere skirmish; it was a dangerous dance on the edge of defeat.

Caleb Li, however, had undergone a transformation that Rose underestimated. 

She had witnessed his recent victory over Kenzo but chalked it up to luck. 

Her perception of him remained tethered to the past, unaware of the strength he had gained during his time in the Ancient Realm.

As the gang of delinquents closed in, Justin sneered at Rose and signaled to his comrades. 

"Justin, you don't need to give her a chance to escape. I think it's time to show her why everyone is afraid to go against us," Jean chimed in with an evil smile.

"Right! Right!" Justin nodded, his smirk deepening. "Let's teach her a lesson."

His gaze shifted to the five burly men behind him, hired specifically to deal with Caleb Li. 

The hefty sum of money exchanged for their services had come from the coffers gang individual pocket. 

Despite the significant cost, the revenge they sought was worth the investment.

The hired men were no ordinary thugs; the lowest among them was a Rank-5 Mortal Warrior, and their leader held the formidable rank of a Rank-6 Mortal Warrior.

 Confidence radiated from Justin as he believed that this formidable group would easily overpower someone as weak as Caleb Li.

As Justin issued the command to attack, a malicious grin etched across his face, the five burly men before him obeyed without hesitation. Instantly, their powerful presence surged, radiating an overwhelming pressure that filled the narrow alley. Their expressions were cold and devoid of mercy, as if they were prepared to engage in a ruthless battle against a formidable adversary, not realizing they were about to face a teenager.

"Attack! Beat him to a pulp, but don't kill him. I want him to feel the pain of being trash and going against us," Justin commanded with a confidence that betrayed his malicious intentions.

Rose's eyes widened with alarm as the hired enforcers advanced menacingly. Their combined strength surpassed anything she had faced before. Instinctively, she took a battle stance, preparing for the inevitable confrontation. While she knew her chances of victory were slim against all of them, she was determined to take down as many as she could before succumbing to their overwhelming force.

"Caleb, run!" she shouted, her voice filled with urgency. She understood the potential danger they faced, and her concern for Caleb Li intensified.

"Why should I do that?" Caleb's response was calm, his eyes focused and resolute.

 It was his moment to demonstrate to the world that he was no longer the weak and helpless person he had been before. 

With newfound strength and determination, he stepped forward, standing beside Rose.

"Make sure not to let them escape," Caleb Li instructed Rose without turning his head. The urgency in his voice hinted at the gravity of the situation.

Without wasting a moment, he dashed forward, meeting the five burly thugs head-on. The air crackled with tension as Caleb faced the formidable force before him. 

To him, were these men comparable to the Dark Beast he had fought in the Ancient Realm? Hell no. Confidence emanated from him, erasing any trace of fear from his mind.

However, Rose's eyes widened, her jaw dropping to the ground in disbelief as she watched Caleb's reckless action. 

The audacity of confronting five burly thugs head-on left her momentarily stunned. The worry for her friend intensified, overshadowing her own impending battle.

Justin and his friend sneered, their amusement evident as they observed Caleb's bold move.

"Is he tired of living?" Jean chuckled with disdain, underestimating the extent of Caleb's newfound strength.

"Who knows?" Justin folded his arms across his chest, a smirk playing on his face. He was ready to witness what he believed would be an entertaining show.

Caleb Li's movements were swift and precise as he appeared in front of the first burly man, sidestepping with agility to evade the suffocating punch aimed at his face. 

Without a moment's hesitation, he unleashed the military boxing technique, delivering a powerful uppercut that connected with the burly man's jaw.

The impact resounded with a bang, and a miserable scream escaped from the man's mouth as blood splashed, his body sent flying before crashing into the side wall. 

The alley fell into an eerie silence as uncertainty lingered. No one knew whether the burly man was dead or alive.

Stunned by the unexpected turn of events, the remaining four burly men hesitated for a moment. 

As for the thug leader, his eyes burned with fury as he processed the audacity of Caleb's attack. 

"You dare attack my men. Die!" he roared, his anger fueling a deadly punch aimed at Caleb's head.

But Caleb Li responded with impeccable timing, employing the Shadow Steps skill. 

In an instant, his speed soared to a blinding level, leaving a gust of wind in his wake. 

The thug leader's attack missed its mark as Caleb reappeared behind him, ready to retaliate.

"Iron Fist Strike," Caleb declared, unleashing a technique that surpassed the military boxing in power and potency. 

Before the thug leader could react or evade, Caleb Li's fist struck with brutal force, connecting with the man's back.

The sickening sound of breaking bones echoed through the narrow alley, followed by a dreadful and miserable scream that pierced the air.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My back!"


[AN: Please don't forget to support this book with your power stones.]