Caleb Li Transformation - Part 3

The miserable cry of the thug's leader sent shivers down the spine of everyone present in the alley.

The sheer agony that emanated from the broken bones reverberated through the air, causing even the most hardened individuals to tremble and draw in a cold breath.

Stunned silence enveloped the alley as the realization dawned on the remaining thugs.

The once-considered useless and weakest person in their school had transformed before their very eyes into a ruthless machine, displaying a level of strength and brutality they never imagined possible.

Caleb Li, however, paid no heed to their thoughts or fears.

With a cold expression etched on his face, he turned his gaze toward the three remaining thugs and dashed toward them with deadly intent.

The thugs gasped in shock, jolting out of their stupor as they subconsciously took a few steps back, their backs drenched in cold sweat.

Previously, they might have considered confronting Caleb Li head-on, but now they knew better. Even their leader, the strongest among them, had proved incapable of withstanding a single punch from him.

The message was clear: in front of this devil, they were nothing more than helpless prey on a chopping board.

Before they could muster the courage to flee, Caleb Li was upon them. One of the thugs, his face contorted in fear, attempted to plead for his life, but Caleb showed no mercy.

With a resounding bang and crack, Caleb's fist connected with the thug's chest, shattering his rib bones into pieces.

The thug's anguished scream filled the air as he was sent hurtling through the alley, a stark reminder of the merciless power Caleb Li now wielded.

With one thug incapacitated by Caleb Li's brutal attack, the young man wasted no time in pouncing on his next victim.

In a flurry of swift and precise movements, Caleb Li delivered a series of devastating blows, each strike met with agonized cries that echoed through the once-quiet alley.

The air crackled with tension as the confrontation reached its climax.

Bone-crunching impacts filled the air, mingling with the pained screams of the thugs as they suffered the consequences of crossing paths with Caleb Li.

Finally, silence descended like a heavy cloak, reigning over the alley in the aftermath of the brutal clash.

The only sound that remained was the ragged breaths of those who had witnessed the carnage unfold.

Justin, Jean, and the others trembled, their faces beaded with sweat as they stared at Caleb Li in disbelief.

The young man standing before them seemed like a stranger, his ruthlessness and savagery a stark contrast to the person they once knew.

It was as if Caleb Li had transformed into something beyond human, a force of nature driven by an unfathomable determination.

The sheer ferocity of his attacks left them shaken to their core, unable to comprehend the depths of his transformation.

With a deadpan expression, Caleb approached Justin and his friend, his gaze cold and unyielding. The air crackled with tension as he stood before them.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked coldly.

Justin widened his eyes and forcefully swallowed the lump in his throat. The sheer intimidation that came from Caleb Li's body almost made him to pee to his path.

He was now regretting his action of going against such a devilish person.

Before his brain could process his next course of action, Caleb Li reached out his hand and picked him by the neck.

He gasped and struggled to escape from his clutches, but everything was futile. Veins protruded from his forehead, and his eyes turned bloodshot.

"P-please…." The word jumbled out of his mouth.

"So you can beg for your life?" He sneered. "When you prepared to attack and ask me to pay for my life. Do you even have the intention of sparing my life?" He questioned with rage burning in his eyes.

He wanted to kill these scumbags, but he knew he can't kill them in the presence of Rose and not in the open. Thus, he decided to punish them.

With that thought, he threw him forcefully to the ground and went toward him. He broke both his arms and legs bones to pieces.

Justin's anguished cry filled the air that he fainted from the brutal pain. The pain was too much for his body to bear and thus fainted.

Jean peed on his pants, and he fell on his knees, begging Caleb Li to spare his life. Caleb Lid didn't bat an eye at him and did the same thing he did to Justin to him.

For the next couple of minutes, the miserable scream of Justin and his gang member resounded in the alley, and after another couple of minutes, silence reigned in the valley.

After rendering Justin and the others useless, breaking their bones to pieces, he turned and looked at the dumbfounded Rose.

A bittersweet smile appeared on his face and shook his head. The hatred in his heart consumed him, making him let go of all semblance of rationality in him.

Now, that he had taken his revenge, he regained some clarity. Looking at the brutal scene behind, he knew he might have gone too far, but there was nothing he could do to change it.

Therefore, he did what he could only do: ignore it.

"Are you coming or what?" He asked with a straight face.


Rose blinked twice, trying to wake up from her stupor. "A-are you still the same Caleb I know?" She asked, confusion written on her face.

"Of course, I am." He flashed a calm, genuine smile at her.



She looked at him for a couple of seconds before shaking her head. She didn't know what had happened to her friend to make him change like this. As long as he didn't turn into a serial killer, it was fine by her.

Quickly, they arrived at school, and none of them talked about the incident that happened in the alley.

Miss Freya, their homeroom teacher, entered the classroom with a deadpan expression. "I hope you're all prepared for this," she began slowly.

"In preparation for the College Entrance Examination, the school management has decided to bring forward the Live Experience Exercise."

"It is time to make use of all you've learned during the combat class. The exercise will take three days outside the city while you fight the monster beasts for survival."

"Those of you who are scared should come out now," Miss Freya asked, her gaze moving from one seat to another.

After a minute, none of the students stood from their seats, and a rare smile crept up her face. "Good. I like your confidence and bravery. The outside city might be full of danger, but it is also full of blessings. If you can survive three days outside the city, I believe you have a 50% chance of passing the entrance examination."

"Now, follow me."


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