
"Jun..." An aged voice cried in panic as she rushed into the hospital ward.

Laying on the bed still wrapped like a mummy, Caleb Li struggled to lift his head and looked at his grandmother with a bittersweet smile on his face.


"Don't talk..." She arrived by his side and looked at his face lovingly.

She had a lot to ask her grandson, but looking at him wrapped like a mummy, she pushed all the questions to the back of her mind.

Right now, her top priority was the well-being of her son.

"Do you feel any pain? Tell Grandpa and me, and we will massage you, and you won't feel the pain any longer."

"Don't worry, Grandma. The doctor has given me all the medication, and I will soon be alright."


"Yes..." He nodded and changed the topic. "Where is Lihua?"