The Mystery About Caleb Li's background

Inside a small villa at the most affluent part of the outer city. The candlewick lane.

This was where the most of the powerful people in the outer city resided and only handful of people could afford it. 

Now, with Caleb Li astonishing talent.

 The outer city education sector didn't even bat an eye and give him one of the small villas in the district. 

With this, they had killed many birds with one stones. They showed the word they care about their people and would go any length to protect and provide for any talented youngster. 

Standing at the balcony, Caleb Li looked at the bustling in the distance and sighed. 

He knew his sudden fortune didn't come out of the blue. It was due to his promising future and if he were to become trash in the future, loosing his value. 

He would be cast away like a shit. 

However, he won't let that happened. With the Lifespan system, he believed his future was far more promising than anyone else.