Back To the Ancient Realm : Patriarch Fu Revenge


In front of a massive building, pedestrians were moving back and forth when suddenly a gust of wind appeared.


The pedestrians halted in their tracks and took a couple of steps back.

"What is going on?!" They all thought in confusion.

Just as they were wondering what the hell was happening, the wind settled down and a girl covered in blood lay on the ground.

She was writhing in agony, with one of her legs broken to pieces and her right arm twisted into an impossible angle, bones protruding from her skin.

She was Amanda. She escaped from Caleb Li using the one thousand meter escape talisman.

"," she stuttered, with blood gushing out of her mouth.

When the crowd saw her, they were stunned for a couple of moments before two young men rushed to help her.

She winced in pain as they carried her before the world around her turned into darkness.