Killing Patriarch Fu and Meeting Miss Du again.


Without thinking twice, Caleb Li disappeared from his spot, using his movement skill: shadow steps.


A terrifying spear whistled past his previous position, hitting the ground and a cloud of dust rose into the sky.

Appearing at the other side of the alley, Caleb Li shivered. If he had been late for a mere second, he would have been killed by such a deadly spear strike.

Just as he was wondering who would target him, four men appeared at the entrance of the alley, while another burly man appeared on the roof of the building.

Caleb Li looked at the group, slanting his brow. Now he realized who was after his life.

"Patriarch Fu..." He called in a cold voice.

"Do you think you can kill my child and clansmen and go scot-free?" Patriarch Fu asked, boiling in anger.

The mere sight of Caleb Li irked him to no end. He couldn't wait to tear him to pieces.