The Ghost Cult Member.

Looking at the three strange men, Caleb Li creased his brow and wondered how they managed to track him.

He was sure he did not leave any track behind he escape from the city.

Even though he was curious on how they found him, he place the thought aside for the moment and asked.

"Who are you and why are you after me?"

"Hahaha!" One of the men laughed with a sinister grin. "You don't need to know us as long as we know you. That's enough."

"Will you follow us or you want to do it the hard way."

"What do you expect? As a genius, he will try to resist a bit. They all do but it is always useless anyway. " responded the second man from the group.

"You're right. Let capture him quickly and leave." The last man said .

Meanwhile, the beautiful lady behind Caleb Li had a solemn expression on her face as she tried to fished out some device from her pouch.

However, what happened next left her breatheless.