New Mission for his new life

As Arjun sat in class, his mind drifting away from the lecture, a sudden interruption jolted him back to reality. A blue screen materialized in front of his eyes, catching him off guard. It was the unmistakable interface of the Phoenix system, delivering a new mission with clear instructions.

"[Fighter has become the leader of his school. Time limit only one year.]"

The words flashed before him, their significance sinking in as Arjun realized the magnitude of the task ahead. Leading his school was no small feat, and the time limit added a sense of urgency to the mission.

But that wasn't all. Another message began to form beside the mission, detailing the rewards that awaited him upon completion. Each line held the promise of progress and power, motivating Arjun to accept the challenge wholeheartedly.

"1. Fighter assistant level up will be increased by 10."

The prospect of leveling up his assistant, a crucial ally in his journey, spurred Arjun's determination. With a stronger assistant by his side, he knew he could face whatever obstacles lay ahead.

"2. Fighter will get an advanced fighting skill."

The promise of acquiring a new fighting skill ignited a spark of excitement within Arjun. He imagined mastering the technique, honing his abilities to become an even more formidable opponent in the battles to come.

"3. Fighter will get 10 lucky spins."

The opportunity to try his luck with 10 spins filled Arjun with anticipation. Who knew what valuable rewards awaited him in the twists of fate? He vowed to make the most of each spin, hoping to uncover hidden treasures along the way.

"4. Fighter will get 100000 experience points."

The prospect of gaining such a substantial amount of experience points filled Arjun with a sense of anticipation. With each point earned, he would grow stronger, more skilled, and better equipped to fulfill his mission as the leader of his school.

As Arjun's gaze shifted from the enticing rewards to the warning message appearing next to the mission, a shiver ran down his spine. He knew all too well what awaited him if he hesitated or failed to accept the mission laid out before him.

"[WARNING: If the fighter does not know how to accept this mission, will be sentenced to death planted at this time.]"

The gravity of the warning hit Arjun like a ton of bricks. Failure was not an option, not when his life hung in the balance. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for the challenges ahead and made the decision to accept the mission, despite the risks involved.

As he pondered the implications of taking on both the main mission and the side mission he had received twenty days prior, Arjun couldn't help but feel a surge of apprehension. The weight of the tasks ahead loomed large in his mind, and he knew that success would require careful planning and strategy.

Yet, the promise of abundant lotus rewards for completing both missions spurred Arjun onward. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with obstacles, but the potential payoff was too great to ignore.

With a sense of determination burning bright within him, Arjun resolved to approach each task with unwavering focus and dedication. He understood that every decision he made would shape his destiny, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to emerge victorious.

As Arjun continued to immerse himself in the virtual world presented by the Phoenix system, oblivious to the classroom unfolding around him, a sudden and piercing shout disrupted the tranquility of his thoughts. The unexpected noise startled him, yanking him out of his reverie.

"Ah!" Arjun exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise as he snapped back to reality. His sudden outburst echoed through the classroom, catching the attention of both his classmates and Miss Nidhi.

Miss Nidhi, taken aback by the abrupt interruption, couldn't comprehend the boy's response. The look of confusion on her face bordered on fear, creating an unintentional air of mystery that left Arjun's classmates bewildered.

The classroom, once filled with the tension of the earlier confrontation, now erupted into laughter. The students couldn't believe the unexpected turn of events and found themselves thoroughly entertained by the drama unfolding before them.

Sensing the need to diffuse the awkward situation, Miss Nidhi, recovering from her initial shock, mustered a smile and spoke to Arjun, "It's alright, dear. Just go and wash your face. You seem a bit sleepy."

As Arjun made his way out of the classroom to follow Miss Nidhi's suggestion, his friend couldn't resist the opportunity to add a playful touch to the situation. With a mischievous grin, he discreetly showed the middle finger to the departing boy, a gesture hidden from Miss Nidhi's view.

As Miss Nidhi, still slightly flustered from the earlier incident, excused herself from the classroom, a sense of relief washed over the students. With her departure, the atmosphere in the room shifted, returning to a more relaxed state.

The boy who had been sleeping in the middle of the class finally stirred from his slumber, rubbing his eyes groggily as he made his way to his assigned seat. With a nonchalant air, he settled into the vacant spot where Arjun had been sitting moments before, promptly resuming his interrupted nap.

As the class came to an end, Miss Nidhi wasted no time in gathering her belongings and making her way out of the classroom. The other students began to pack up as well, their chatter filling the air as they prepared to move on to their next classes.

Meanwhile, the boy who had been caught napping in the middle of the class stirred from his slumber, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he made his way back to his seat. With a resigned sigh, he settled back into his chair, his eyelids growing heavy once again as he succumbed to the lure of sleep.

While the lectures continued and the other teachers carried on with their lessons, Arjun remained lost in his own thoughts, oblivious to the world around him. He had no interest in the topics being discussed in class, his mind consumed by far weightier matters.

With a sense of determination, Arjun opened his notebook and began to jot down his reflections on the events of the past four months. His pen moved across the page with purpose, capturing every detail of his experiences since the day he had awoken in the body of old Arjun.

"Old Arjun's name and my name and his surname are exactly the same as mine," he wrote, his handwriting steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "Old Arjun was a school student, but I am a college student."

As he continued to pour his thoughts onto the page, Arjun couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity that surrounded him. "His condition was exactly like mine," he mused, his brow furrowing in thought. "I too was a victim of bullying."

A shiver ran down Arjun's spine as he contemplated the eerie parallels between his own life and that of old Arjun. "That old Arjun had died in the hospital itself," he wrote, his voice barely a whisper as he spoke the words aloud. "And I had died at the same time as old Arjun."

The realization sent a chill coursing through Arjun's veins, but he refused to be deterred. With a steely resolve, he turned his attention to the mysterious Phoenix System that had become an integral part of his new existence.

"I have to find out what this system is," he declared to himself, his voice filled with determination. "And who created it, and why I was chosen to receive it."

End of the chapter