Cafeteria Fight part-1

As Arjun sat in the classroom, his mind wandered aimlessly, preoccupied with the perpetual question that gnawed at his thoughts. Ever since he had found himself inhabiting the body of old Arjun, this question lingered like a shadow, refusing to be ignored.

"Sometimes, I feel that old Arjun is alive," he murmured to himself, his words barely audible amidst the drone of the lecturer's voice. "But somehow I am not able to understand... if he was alive, he would definitely not have come back."

Lost in his internal musings, Arjun paid little attention to the lessons being taught, the words of the lecturer blending into background noise as his thoughts consumed him. The minutes ticked by unnoticed, each passing moment bringing him no closer to finding the answers he sought.

Suddenly, the shrill ring of the school bell shattered the stillness of the classroom, signaling the start of lunch break. Arjun blinked in surprise, jolted out of his reverie by the abrupt change in the atmosphere.

Startled, he glanced at the clock on the wall and realized with a sinking feeling that he had wasted at least an hour and a half lost in his own thoughts. Guilt gnawed at him as he berated himself for squandering precious time that could have been spent on more productive pursuits.

With a sigh of resignation, Arjun gathered his belongings and made his way out of the classroom, joining the throng of students streaming into the hallway.

As he navigated the bustling corridors towards the cafeteria, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling of unease that lingered in the back of his mind.

Despite the distraction of his internal turmoil, hunger gnawed at Arjun's stomach, a reminder of his neglected lunch hour.

Resolving to push aside his worries for the time being, he focused on the task at hand: finding sustenance to fuel his body and temporarily silence the clamor of his thoughts.

As Arjun made his way through the bustling corridors of St. Xavier High School, he followed the familiar path that led to the third cafeteria reserved for students in grades 9 through 12. The vibrant chatter of his fellow classmates filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere that belied the weight of Arjun's internal turmoil.

Passing by the first two cafeterias, Arjun noted the distinct sounds and sights that characterized each. In the first cafeteria, the youngest students from nursery to UKG sat huddled together, their laughter and animated conversations echoing off the walls as they enjoyed their midday meal.

In the second cafeteria, students from 1st class to 8th class mingled in groups, their voices rising and falling in a cacophony of youthful energy. The aroma of freshly prepared food wafted through the air, tempting Arjun's senses as he continued on his way.

Finally reaching the third cafeteria, Arjun entered the spacious dining area reserved for students in his grade. The ambiance here was different, more subdued compared to the exuberance of the lower grades. Conversations among his peers were more subdued, the weight of impending exams and academic pressures palpable in the air.

Arjun quickly scanned the room, his eyes settling on an empty table near the corner. With a sense of relief, he made his way towards it, grateful for the opportunity to enjoy his lunch in relative solitude.

As Arjun stood in line alongside his fellow classmates, he observed the familiar ritual of lunchtime unfold before him. The clinking of plates and the aroma of various dishes filled the air, mingling with the low murmur of conversations and laughter that permeated the cafeteria.

Quickly grabbing a plate, Arjun deftly piled it high with food, his movements efficient as he navigated the bustling line. However, his actions did not go unnoticed by the boy standing behind him, who eyed Arjun with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

With a swift motion, the boy snatched the plate of food from Arjun's hands, a smirk playing across his lips as he anticipated a reaction. But to his surprise, Arjun simply turned away without a word, his expression unreadable as he retraced his steps to join the line once more.

Confusion flickered across the boy's face as he watched Arjun calmly repeat the process of selecting his lunch. He leaned in to whisper to his companion, a mischievous glint in his eye as he relayed his observations.

"Karan Bro," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "This boy hasn't done anything. I thought that Arjun idiot would definitely try to fight, but he hasn't fought at all."

Karan, a formidable figure surrounded by a group of friends, listened intently to the whispered words. His brow furrowed in annoyance at the mention of Arjun's name, his jaw clenched with pent-up frustration.

"I am very angry with this boy," the whisperer continued, his tone tinged with irritation. "Let us teach him a lesson he won't forget."

At Karan's command, the group of friends exchanged knowing glances, their expressions hardened with determination. Siddharth Abhay, a particularly imposing figure among them, nodded in agreement as he surveyed Arjun from across the cafeteria.

With a sense of foreboding, Arjun sensed the hostile stares directed his way, a feeling of unease settling in the pit of his stomach. But he remained outwardly composed, refusing to show any sign of weakness in the face of impending confrontation.

As Arjun sat in the secluded corner of the cafeteria, savoring the first few bites of his meal, an unexpected intrusion disrupted the tranquility of his lunch. In the midst of his thoughts, a sudden ringing of bells in his mind jolted him into a heightened state of awareness.

Without hesitation, Arjun swiftly withdrew his hand from his plate, a premonition urging him to take evasive action. In one fluid motion, he stood up and flung his plate aside, sending it clattering to the ground some distance away. The abrupt gesture caught the attention of the surrounding students, and all eyes turned toward the unfolding scene.

The boy who had snatched Arjun's plate glared at him with a mix of anger and bewilderment. Arjun, maintaining a steady gaze, couldn't help but notice the peculiar color of the boy's hair – a vibrant rainbow hue that stood out in stark contrast to the subdued tones of the school environment.

As the onlookers observed the exchange, Karan seized the opportunity to amplify the situation. He leaned in, his voice filled with mock concern as he bet with his friends, "Today, Arjun is not going to go home safe."

Meanwhile, the rainbow-haired boy, now visibly annoyed, addressed Arjun with a condescending tone. "You idiot, you don't know whose place this is," he declared, emphasizing the ownership of the territory. "Our boss Vicky rules this spot. Let's go now; your eyes and head should be down in front of me."

As the confrontation unfolded, Arjun's heightened alert skill, always active, suddenly triggered the activation of his inspector skill. In an instant, a flood of information about the boy before him, Raju, streamed into Arjun's mind.

Armed with newfound knowledge, Arjun observed Raju with a discerning eye. Despite the hostile situation, Arjun noted that Raju remained unflinching, devoid of fear. Arjun's attempts to intimidate him with words proved futile, leaving a sense of frustration lingering in the air.

In a moment of misplaced bravado, Raju raised his hand, intending to strike Arjun and assert his dominance. However, to Raju's surprise, Arjun swiftly intervened, deftly grasping Raju's hand and preventing the impending blow.

Raju, taken aback by the unexpected resistance, felt a surge of frustration. His initial intention to slap Arjun was thwarted as Arjun skillfully bent Raju's hand, showcasing a level of physical prowess that Raju had not anticipated.

Meanwhile, Karan, who had been eagerly anticipating Arjun's suffering, witnessed the unexpected turn of events. As Raju let out a surprised cry, Karan turned to look, only to find himself overwhelmed by shock.


The cry echoed through the cafeteria, drawing the attention of everyone present. Arjun, having twisted Raju's hand in self-defense, stood firm and resolute. The pain and surprise etched across Raju's face were mirrored by the astonishment in Karan's eyes.

Unable to comprehend the swift reversal of fortune, Karan's world blurred, and he lost consciousness.

As the chaotic scene unfolded in the cafeteria, every student present bore witness to the unexpected turn of events. Vicky, the leader of Raju's group, watched with narrowed eyes as Arjun deftly subdued one of his members, his expression unreadable as he processed the situation.

With a swift gesture, Vicky issued orders to the members of his group, his voice carrying authority as he commanded them to take action. However, he made it clear that he wanted Arjun alive, a directive that reverberated through the cafeteria, sending a ripple of tension through the assembled crowd.

Undeterred by the overwhelming odds stacked against him, Arjun stood his ground, his resolve unshaken in the face of impending danger. As at least 15 to 20 boys began to advance towards him, their intentions clear, Arjun met their gaze with a steely determination, his eyes flashing with defiance.

With each step forward, Arjun moved with purpose, his movements deliberate as he prepared to confront the onslaught of attackers. Despite the overwhelming odds, he showed no signs of fear, his unwavering resolve fueling his every action.

Suddenly, a blue-colored screen materialized in front of Arjun, its appearance signaling the activation of a new skill or ability. A wicked smile crept across Arjun's face as he beheld the screen, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he contemplated the possibilities it presented.

Arjun's smile, tinged with a hint of malice, sent a shiver down the spines of those who dared to challenge him. With the odds stacked against him and danger looming on the horizon, Arjun embraced the chaos with a newfound sense of purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

End of the chapter