Emergency quest part-1

Arjun sank into deep thought, his mind swirling with memories and questions. The past four months had been a whirlwind of events—events that still left him grappling with the surreal reality of his life. He had died, only to wake up in someone else's body.

A mysterious system had attached itself to him, granting him power but leaving him with countless unanswered questions. What was he supposed to do next? His mind felt like a blank slate, unable to find clarity or direction.

Across the table, Rio sat in silence, watching Arjun with patient, unwavering eyes. He seemed to sense the storm brewing inside Arjun's mind, yet he made no move to rush him. Rio knew that Arjun would need time to process everything before he could make such a significant decision.

After what felt like an eternity, Arjun finally broke the silence. "I need time to think about this," he said, his voice steady but laced with the weight of his thoughts. "Only then will I be able to say something." His eyes locked onto Rio's, searching for any hint of pressure or expectation.

Rio simply nodded, his expression calm and understanding. "Take all the time you need," he replied. "This isn't a decision to be made lightly."

Arjun appreciated the lack of urgency in Rio's response, but it didn't ease the burden he felt. The offer from Rio was tempting, yet it also carried unknown risks. Arjun's life had already been turned upside down, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to dive deeper into the unknown.

The quiet between them lingered, filled only with the distant sounds of the café around them. Arjun could feel the weight of his choices pressing down on him, and he knew that whatever decision he made, it would shape the course of his future in ways he couldn't yet foresee.

Rio had anticipated that Arjun would accept his offer without hesitation. In his mind, the decision was obvious—an opportunity that Arjun couldn't afford to pass up. But as the seconds ticked by, and Arjun requested more time to think, Rio's initial confidence began to waver.

He hadn't expected this reluctance. While he remained outwardly calm, internally, he was becoming increasingly anxious. He needed Arjun to accept, and quickly.

Meanwhile, Arjun's thoughts were racing. He couldn't shake the unsettling feeling of being watched, of Rio knowing too much about him. How did Rio know where he lived? How did he know about the fight? The more Arjun thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

The only thing he knew for certain about Rio was that he was the leader of another school, and likely very powerful. But beyond that, Rio was a mystery—one that Arjun wasn't sure he wanted to unravel.

Without another word, Arjun stood up and began to walk away, his mind still clouded with uncertainty. As he moved towards the exit, he felt Rio's eyes boring into his back. Just as he reached the door, Rio's voice cut through the air, stopping him in his tracks.

"What are you planning to do?" Rio's tone was sharp, with an edge that hadn't been there before.

Arjun paused and turned around to face Rio. There was no anger in Rio's expression, but Arjun could sense the underlying frustration. Rio was trying to keep his cool, but it was clear that the situation wasn't going according to his plan.

"There are only two days," Rio continued, his voice firm. "I can't give you any more time. I know what I said earlier, but after seeing your hesitation, I need an answer sooner."

Arjun felt a surge of tension. Rio's sudden change in tone was unnerving, and it only added to the pressure he was already feeling. The realization hit him—whatever Rio was offering, it came with strings attached. Heavy strings.

Still, Arjun held his ground, his mind torn between the need to make a decision and the instinct to protect himself from the unknown. "I'll think about it," he finally replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him.

Without waiting for Rio's response, Arjun turned and left the café, the weight of Rio's words lingering in the air behind him.

After Arjun left, the café settled back into a quiet calm, the tension dissipating like a fading echo. Rio remained seated for a moment, a peculiar sense of satisfaction blooming within him. He couldn't quite pinpoint why, but something about the encounter had left him feeling pleased, almost excited.

Speaking softly to himself, Rio mused, "From what I've seen and heard, he is powerful. But he's still just a boy—controlling him won't be easy."

His expression darkened as his thoughts turned more serious. "But if he dares to get in my way," Rio muttered, his voice low and menacing, "the consequences will be dire."

Standing up, Rio took one last look around the now-empty café. The task he had come to accomplish remained unfinished, but he felt a strange certainty that it would be completed soon. With that assurance in mind, he left the café, the evening shadows swallowing his form as he walked away.

Meanwhile, Arjun wandered through the bustling evening market, trying to quiet his restless thoughts. The noise and activity around him offered a brief distraction from the storm in his mind. Today had been overwhelming; he needed to find a moment of peace amidst the chaos that had become his life.

Wearing a mask to blend in with the crowd, Arjun found himself reflecting on the events of the day. "It's been too much," he whispered to himself, the words muffled by the mask. "I haven't even fought in the past few weeks, and everything was going so well for me."

Arjun strolled through the market, his thoughts preoccupied with his current predicament. "Now, I'm not getting enough experience points," he said to himself, frustration tinging his voice. "My level is increasing, but it's barely noticeable."

He considered his options, thinking aloud, "Completing the regular quests gives me some experience points, but not nearly enough. The only other way I know to gain more is through fighting."

But the prospect of fighting filled him with unease. Arjun knew all too well the risks involved—getting injured and attracting unwanted attention was not a path he wanted to take. "Fighting people is too risky," he admitted, shaking his head. "I'd end up hurt and under scrutiny."

Determined to find a better solution, Arjun resolved, "I need to figure out another way to increase my experience points quickly. There must be a method that doesn't involve direct confrontation."

Arjun was deep in thought when he suddenly felt a hand grip his shoulder. His immediate reaction was one of irritation; the unexpected touch made him tense up. The grip tightened, adding to his frustration. "What is this guy's problem?" Arjun muttered to himself, his anger flaring. "He needs to learn a lesson."

Just as he was about to react, a blue notification screen from the Phoenix System flashed before his eyes, catching him off guard. The message was clear and urgent:


Before Arjun could fully process what was happening, the man leaned in closer and whispered menacingly in his ear, "Listen, you bastard. Do exactly as I say and don't do anything stupid, or the consequences will be very bad for you."

Arjun's eyes widened in shock. The man's threatening tone combined with the sudden appearance of the emergency quest left him reeling. He glanced at the notification screen, trying to make sense of the situation. The quest details were stark:

"Fighter Emergency Quest is starting. You have 10 seconds to accept it quest".

End of the chapter