Emergency quest part-2

"10 seconds"

The timer had started counting down, its digital numbers flashing ominously before Arjun's eyes. Panic clawed at him as his mind raced to grasp the situation. The urgency of the emergency quest collided with the immediate threat posed by the stranger gripping his shoulder.

"7 seconds"

Arjun felt paralyzed, torn between the fear of the unknown quest and the man who stood too close for comfort. Time was slipping away, and his thoughts were a chaotic jumble, offering no clear solution.

"4 seconds"

The pressure was unbearable. His heart pounded in his chest as the timer neared its end. Desperation set in—what was he supposed to do? The man's grip tightened, and Arjun's mind spiraled further into confusion.

"1 second"

With only a heartbeat left before the timer hit zero, Arjun's instincts took over. Without fully understanding why, he mentally accepted the quest, hoping it would at least buy him some time. The moment he did, the countdown vanished, replaced by a new notification window.

At the same time, the man leaned closer, his breath hot against Arjun's ear. His voice was a low, threatening whisper. "I still understand you. Don't do anything stupid, or you'll regret it."

Before Arjun could react, a bright announcement screen popped up in front of his eyes, overlaying his vision.

"Quest Accepted!

Emergency Quest: Active

**Objective: Survive the ambush.**

Time Limit: 24 hours.

Failure: Death."

The realization hit Arjun like a cold wave—this was no ordinary quest. The stakes were his life. The small details in the quest window, normally trivial, now felt like the terms of a death sentence. The man beside him seemed to know more than he was letting on, and Arjun could sense that the real challenge had only just begun.

Despite the chaos swirling in his mind, Arjun kept his expression neutral, refusing to show any fear. With a calmness that belied the storm within, he waved his hand towards the man, signaling that he was ready to walk with him.

Without warning, the man slapped Arjun on the back of his head, the force of it startling but not painful. "Motherfucker, could you not speak? I've been talking to you for so long," the man snarled, his tone harsh and impatient.

Arjun didn't react to the insult, keeping his emotions in check. He fell into step beside the man, who now walked as if they were old friends. But Arjun wasn't fooled. His mind was on high alert, taking in every detail around them.

As they walked, Arjun made a point of memorizing the route. Every turn, every street sign, every landmark—he burned them into his memory. He knew he might need this information if things went south. His eyes darted around, scanning their surroundings, while also stealing glances at the man beside him. The man's shirt pocket was visible, showing that he belonged to some school, but Arjun couldn't get a clear look at the emblem to identify which one.

The man's presence was unsettling, but Arjun maintained his composure. Inwardly, however, his thoughts were less calm. "Oh man, I shouldn't have stepped out of the house today, he silently lamented. I have no idea what's going to happen with this quest".

Even as the dread lingered in the back of his mind, Arjun knew he had to stay focused. Whatever this quest was, it had already begun, and he needed to be ready for anything.

Arjun continued to follow the man, his mind a whirlwind of anxious thoughts. As they walked, he muttered to himself, "So far, nothing's come to the forefront. In the case of an emergency quest, someone just appears out of nowhere, talks cryptically, and then vanishes. I need to be as careful as possible."

He glanced at his status window, his eyes narrowing in concern. "I'm not that strong. My level is low, and none of my other status points are increasing. This isn't good."

His internal dialogue continued, filled with frustration and urgency. "The only thing I can do now is to run away. But even if I did, it wouldn't help. I've got just 24 hours to complete this emergency quest. If I fail, I'm as good as dead."

With a grim resolve, Arjun concluded, "I need to fulfill this emergency quest. There's no other option."

Behind him, the man glanced back, checking to see if Arjun had bolted. Seeing that Arjun was still following, the man's expression hardened. "Earlier, there was fear in his eyes, but it's gone now," he muttered to himself. "It doesn't matter. Whether he wants me dead or not, I'm focused on finishing my task."

The man turned his attention back to their path, his determination unwavering. Arjun, meanwhile, remained vigilant, his mind racing as he mentally prepared for whatever lay ahead. The journey had just begun, and survival was now his only priority.

The boy led Arjun to a decrepit building under construction, its skeletal frame casting long shadows as the evening light faded. He swung open a rusty gate, revealing a large, empty space beneath the structure. Inside, eight people were gathered, all dressed in the same uniforms as the boy.

A tall, corpulent man stood among them, puffing away on a cigarette. His eyes narrowed as he noticed the boy approaching. With a grunt, the man tossed the cigarette to the ground and crushed it under his boot. His gaze shifted to the boy who had gone to fetch Arjun.

"Hey, dog," the man barked, his voice dripping with disdain. "Did it really take you this long? How much more time are you going to waste? Did you complete the task I sent you for or not?"

The boy who had brought Arjun here shouted back, "Yes, I finished it! But if you insult me again, I'll come over there and beat you myself."

The man laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. He raised a middle finger towards the boy and gestured dismissively at him. "You think you can threaten me? Look at you—pathetic."

The other men laughed in unison, their amusement at the confrontation adding to the tension. The boy who had come to fetch Arjun glared at them, his anger evident. The mockery stung, and he clenched his fists, his face flushed with indignation.

Arjun observed the scene quietly, his mind racing with the implications of the situation. The hostility and hierarchy among these people were apparent, and he needed to stay alert if he was to survive the ordeal ahead.

The boy who had fetched Arjun motioned for him to step forward. He joined his companions, his gaze still fixed on the fat man with barely concealed anger. The fat man, however, didn't bother to acknowledge him directly. Instead, he addressed Arjun with a dismissive tone.

"Your eyes should be down," the fat man said coldly. "I don't like people who stare at me while talking. Lower your eyes."

The boy who had brought Arjun struggled to keep his composure, his anger evident but restrained. The fat man, noticing this, shifted his attention to Arjun. "Your name is Arjun Verma, isn't it?" he asked, his voice dripping with condescension.

Arjun turned his head slightly, avoiding direct eye contact. His response was calm, but his refusal to meet the fat man's gaze only fueled the man's irritation. The fat man's face reddened with rage.

"You bastard," the fat man roared. "Take off your mask. I want to see your face. I don't trust you, and I'm not taking any chances that you might be bringing someone else along."

Reluctantly, Arjun removed his mask and looked directly at the fat man. The fat man's anger flared even more. "Lower your eyes!" he shouted. "You have no status here, and you think you can intimidate me?"

Arjun maintained his gaze for a moment before lowering his eyes as commanded. His silence spoke volumes, but he knew better than to escalate the situation further.

As Arjun stood there, he noticed the emblem on the fat man's shirt pocket—"St. Thomas School." A wave of surprise washed over him. *So all this is happening at Rio's behest. Can he really orchestrate something like this so quickly?* Arjun thought, his mind racing to piece together the connection between Rio and this unexpected confrontation.

The fat man, observing Arjun's distracted look, grew increasingly frustrated. He was struggling to keep his anger in check, his patience wearing thin as he watched Arjun stand silently.

Finally, Arjun broke the silence. "Could you please tell me why I was brought here?" he asked, trying to keep his tone as neutral as possible.

The fat man's eyes narrowed, his temper flaring once more. Arjun's question seemed to provoke him further, and he was on the verge of losing control. However, a sudden recollection of the earlier conversation with the man—the one who had issued the threat—helped him regain his composure. He didn't want to ruin everything by lashing out.

After a deep breath, the fat man forced a semblance of calm into his voice. "You should listen to what I'm about to tell you. You need to join our group," he said, his tone firm but measured.

Arjun, still processing the situation, nodded slowly. He could sense that there was more to this than what had been explicitly stated, but for now, he needed to navigate this delicate situation with caution.

Arjun looked the fat boy squarely in the eyes. "I refuse to join any group, and that's my final decision," he said, his voice steady and resolute.

The fat boy's lips curled into a devilish smile. "So get ready to die, bastard," he sneered, his tone dripping with malice.

Arjun's mind raced. "What does he mean by that? Do I really have to die? And why would he do this—especially if he's connected to Rio?" The questions swirled in his head, but he pushed them aside for the moment. He needed to focus on the immediate threat.

Quickly, Arjun activated his Inspector skill, targeting the fat boy. A screen flashed before his eyes, displaying the fat boy's details. As Arjun read the information, his heart sank. The revelation was more than he had anticipated.

"I'm going to die today…" Arjun thought, a sense of dread washing over him. "This is a very bad day for me".

Name - Kailash

Age - 18

Gender - Male

Strength - 40

Stamina - 38

Intelligence - 27

Agility - 32

Sense - 29

End of the chapter