Chapter 002 — System and Missions

Aiden sat on the bed in the hospital ward, lost in his own thoughts.

 Thanks to the doctor, he got to hear the full gist of what happened.

 Apparently, a Sentry was chasing after the notorious 'night serial killer' who managed to flee after hurting him.

 Guilty, the Sentry brought him to the hospital for treatment, footing all the medical bills.

 "Tch. Though I wonder what's up with that killer. What did she have to bite me on the neck? is she a fiend attribute magi?" Aiden wondered.


 "But the main issue is that I missed my school exams. I'll havd to retake that session again. Tch. I shouldn't have gone out that night" he gritted his teeth with regrets.

-[Ping! Congratulations! Host has bonded with the Super Vampire System!]

 A row of words suddenly appeared on a floating screen before Aiden's eyes.

 Not only that, merry sounds of fireworks exploding rang in his head.

 "What in the hell.." Aiden cleaned his eyes, but the floating screen didn't vanish.

The words on the floating screen soon changed.

 -[Host has sucessfully spent seven days, changing your metabolism to that of a Night Walker]

-[All features of the Super Vampire System has been updated successfully. Check your stats now!]

 "Geez! is this for real? did I manage to awaken my attribute during the time when I was unconscious?" Aiden was besides himself with joy.

 The current society was a place dominated by Magis. For him, a normal human with no trace of beta force in his veins, he would be the world's number one liar if he claimed he didn't care whether he became a magi or not.

 "Looks like fate has decided to shine her awe-inspiring light on me. Though, I do wonder what that 'Vampire' thingy means. Is it the name of my super power?" Aiden got up from the bed, facing the wall.

 "Alright.. take this!!" clenching his fist, he threw a punch.

 However, there wasn't a sonic boom, or a huge hole on the wall.

 Instead, there was a loud miserable howl.

"W-Why? How's this possible?!" Aiden stared at his bloodied knuckles, almost at the brink of tears.


-[New Quest Unlocked!]

-[Quest Name: Take Your First Nutrient]

-[You were once a trash who now discovered that you have unlocked a special power. Eager to rise to the top? of course you are. But it is far from easy. Take your first nutrient and experience a boost in your strength!

-[NUTRIENT: Blood!]

-[Volume: 1 litre]

-[Time frame: 24 hours! Tick. Tock]

 "B-Blood?!" Aiden gulped heavily when he saw the info of the new quest on the system's panel screen.

 Why would he have to take blood to increase his strength? Wasn't it public knowledge that Magis cultivated world energy, molding it into Beta force to increase their strength.

 Why was it that this strange 'system' thingy demanded for blood instead?

 Things just didn't match up no matter what angle he looked at it from.

 "I have finished sorting things out. You are free to go now" the Doctor's voice rang from behind Aiden.

Turning towards the doctor and gulped heavily. That was because he suddenly felt that the doctor's throat looked very pleasant to look at. And at the same time, he felt a strong parchness in his throat.

 Damn! he'd never felt this thirsty in his entire life.

-[Your bloodlust grows]

-[Bloodlust : 10/100]


 Aiden panicked. A strong feeling kept prompting him to pounce on the doctor and sink his teeth into his neck. However, he was using all of his will power to resist.

 But he didn't know how long he could rein it for.

 "T-Thank you doctor" he said with shivering lips as he attempted to remove the hospital gown he was wearing.

 "Your clothes are in the bathroom. Also, the Sentry who saved your life instructed that I give this to you" the Doctor gave Aiden a fat brown envelope.

 "I'll take my leave now"

 After the doctor left, Aiden tore off the envelope.

 "Geez! So much money?" he stared at the wads of banknotes in utter shock.

Taking a rough estimate, he counted up to five thousand dollars.

 Were Sentries this generous?

 Carefully dropping the envelope on the bed, he walked into the bathroom to get dressed.



-[Your bloodlust grows]


 "Damn I'm about to go crazy!" Aiden gritted his teeth as he trekked down the road, intentionally choosing paths that appeared secluded with less pedestrians.

 Good thing he was an expert trekker, so he knew many paths in the neighbourhood.

 Whatever bloodlust the 'system' thingy was warning him about, he didn't dare treat it as a mere joke.

 A few minutes ago, he had almost pounced on a little girl. Luckily, years of enduring humilation from Rio molded his will power to become extremely sturdy.

 Passing through a quiet alleyway with a chilly atmosphere, Aiden trembled as he recalled the incident that landed him in trouble.

 "Owww!!" Aiden heard a miserable howl, followed by the release of an intoxicating smell that clouded his senses.

-[Your bloodlust grows]


 "Ngh!!" with eyes taking a shade of crimson red, Aiden sprinted towards the direction the intoxicating smell was coming from.



 "You bastard, how dare you people intrude on our territory huh?"

 "Yeah. You Bull Dog gang members are starting to grow the heart of a tiger"

 Seven thugs wearing crimson bandanas surrounded a guy sporting an eye patch and head band with a bull dog symbol, who held his bleeding arm.

 "This area belongs to the Crimson Wolf gang. We won't accept any intrusions!"

 The Crimson Wolf gang member holding a dagger dripping with blood grinned malicious as he sunk it into the left arm of the Bull Dog gang member.

 "Uwaah!" he screamed miserably as blood flowed like a steady torrent.

 "Muhahaha. Serves you right trash!" another Crimson Wolf gang member laughed sadistically, kicking the enemy.

 "Grr.. Grr.. Grr.. Grr!" suddenly, low beastly growls rang from behind the group.

 "And who are you supposed to be?"

Aiden, who stood behind the group ignored the question. His whole question completely focused on the Bull Dog gang member on the ground.

 Or more precisely, the blood flowing from his wounds.

 "Brat, how dare you dare you ignore me huh?" the gangsta who had asked Aiden the question frowned with displeasure.

 Due to the fact that Aiden's head was bent downward, he couldn't see his eyes glowing whatever.

 "Not saying anything? then I just have to beat you till you speak!"

 The gangsta's left arm morphed into the claw of an eagle as he thrust towards Aiden.

 The sharp talons gleamed brilliantly as they aimed towards Aiden's head. It was obvious he was going for a kill.

 "S.. Sram!!" Aiden swept his clawed palm towards the attacking gangsta, sending him stumbling three metres away.

 "You have juuice! food!" Aiden leapt towards the gangsta before he could regain his composure, sinking his teeth which were now fangs, into the gangsta's neck.

 "Aiiish!" the gangsta shrieked as he shriveled up at a steady pace.

"Ahhh" Aiden licked his fangs dripping with blood as he tossed the now shriveled up gangsta, like he was discarding trash.

-[Ping! New Quest unlocked!]

-[PREDATOR: Vampires are one of the world's ruthless Predators]

-[Your preys are currently cowering before. Finish them all]

-[QUEST REWARD: 10 Blood Drachma]

 Aiden took a deep breath, relishing the moment as he felt a satisfying sensation coursing through his body.

 He didn't know why but it felt so damn good!

 He wanted more of that feeling!!


 He charged towards the closest gangsta.

 "He's fast!" the gangsta felt his heart sink as Aiden appeared before him, digging his fangs into his neck.

 "Kill that monster!" the Crimson Wolf gangsta finally regained his composure as he gave the command to his comrades.

 "Monster! die!" a gangsta punched towards Aiden, a sharp black spike piercing towards Aiden's head.

 "Hm?" tossing the shriveled corpse away, Aiden met the incoming punch with his own.