Chapter 003

Drip. Drip. Drip.

 Aiden stared as his fingers, dripping with blood. A look of horror in his expression.

 All around him were shriveled coprses. The atmosphere was gloomy, further accentuating the gory sight.

-[Mission Completed!]

-[You have recieved +10 Blood drachmas]

-[You have devoured 35 litres of blood]

 "W-What have I turn into?!" he burst into tears.



 Lancelot Academy

was a prestigious school to breed young magis, being the number one in Halowe State.

 It was located in a 1st tier city called Gold Spring city and was the most powerful force there.

 However currently, the gates of Lancelot Academy was wide ajar, welcoming a rapid stream of visitors.

 This was because, today was the day of the Academy's admission. An event that only happened once a year.

 The Academy's landscape was ridiculously huge, so was the building structure.

 Like any other Magi Academies, the admission was often free however, it came with an entrance test.

Failing the entrance test meant losing the chance to become a student.

 The entrance test was being hosted in a spacious field inside the Academy's premises. There were rows of spectator benches surrounding the field, making it look more like a football stadium.

 Gathered around the field was a crowd of teenagers, numbering up in hundreds. These were those who showed up for the Academy's admission.

 If they passed, that meant they would become students of Lancelot Academy.

 "Decorum please" a calm voice resounded in the ears of everyone present as a figure dropped from the skies.

 It was a smartly dressed middle aged man with glasses, standing on a floating brick.

 "That's Teacher Krillin"

 "You mean the magi who has the Sound mojo?"

 "Ahh, no wonder his voice rumbled in my head"

 "Soo strong!"

 The crowd exploded into a wave of discussions.

 "Tsk. Sound mojo huh? nothing impressive" Rio who was amongst the crowd on the field, snickered.

 Mojos were the unique abilities of Magis.

According to Public knowledge, a Magi could only be entitled to a single mojo.

 "I will like to welcome you all to the Academy's 25th Entrance exams. For this entrance exam, I will be tie super visor" Teacher Krillin said calmly, however his voice echoed clearly in the heads of everyone present.

 "This entrance exam has two stages. Mojo assessment and combat. Allow me to explain what the mojo assessment test entails"

 "By placing your palm on this orb.." he snapped his finger, causing an azure glowing orb, the size of a bear head to materialize.

 ".. It reveals your mojo, as well as the talent of that mojo. Though let me tell you something crucial. Talent doesn't mean potential. So even if you end up getting a mojo with a weak talent. Don't give up. Train hard and you will even surpass those with high talent"

 "Now begin. You can take turns touching the Mojo assesment orb" after saying this, Teacher Krillin floated to a corner.

 "Heh. Here I come" a guy wearing baseball cap grinned as he went over.

Touching the assesment orb, a ray of light exploded, forming the below words.

 *Mojo: Metal manipulation*

 *Talent: Pawn tier*

 When the spectators saw this, they exploded into a fit of booings.

 "Tch. What an utter trash!"

 "Pawn tier talent? Seriously? I bet he won't make it into Lancelot Academy"

 "Tsk. Get off from the assesment orb trash!"

 The guy with the baseball cap smiled sadly as he distanced himself from the assessment orb.

 He didn't blame the crowd for their insults, afterall, a pawn tier talent was the lowest type of talent.

 "Hope this goes well" a girl with twin pony tails went over to the assessment orb.



 Minutes passed with several of the aspirants going over to touch the assessment orb, to get their mojo talents analysed.

 Along the nine, three hundred people turned out to possess pawn tier talent.

Two Hundred turned out to have Rook tier talents. Hundred had Knight tier talents. Thirty had Bishop tier talents. Finally, it was Rio's turn.

 "This will be a piece of cake!" he grinned with confidence as he placed his palm on the assessment orb. A ray of light exploded, forming into a series of words.

 *Mojos: Ability Intuition & Time Manipulation*

 *Talent: King tier!*

 Silence. Everybody present, including even Teacher Krillin like they were staring at a monster.

 T-Two mojos? and a king tier talent?!



 Once Aiden got back to his apartment, he had a cool bath so that he could clear his head. But no matter how hard he tried, the image of him with bloodied fingers and mouth couldn't just leave his head.

 It was seriously driving him insane! Just what kind of monster had he turned to?

-[Host is now a Vampire] as if reading his thoughts, a series of words appeared on the system's panel screen.

 "Vampire? What's a Vampire?"

-[The world's dangerous predators. As a Vampire, host can grow stronger by devouring essence]


 -[Yes. The main chip that fuels the life force of all living things. By drinking blood. You absorb blood essence and grow stronger while at it]

"Grow stronger you say? but I don't feel a single damn thing has changed!" Aiden clenched his fist.

 Suddenly, new words appeared on the panel screen.


-Name: Aiden Skyfall

-Alias: ? ? ?

-Race: Innate Vampire Progenitor

-Class: Versatile




-Strength: Lv. 1

-Speed: Lv. 1

-Agility: Lv. 1

-Physique: Lv. 1

-Energy: 10/10


NOTE: User can use blood group B blood to increase Physique stat. Blood group A blood increases Speed stat. Blood group AB increases Strength stat. Blood group O blood increases Charm stat.




1. Essence Absorption (original)




-Blood Essence Absorption








1. AB: 15 litres

2. O: 5 litres

3. B: 10 litres

4. A: 5 litres







- 10




- None








 "This system thingy works just like video games!" Aiden thought to himself.

 He tried leveling up the *strength stat*

-[This action costs 1 litres of blood. Do you want to proceed?]

After giving the system a mental go ahead, a new notification came in.

-[Your Strength stat has experienced a level up!]

-[Continue level up? The next level up will cost 2 litres of blood!]

 'Yes' Aiden gave the go ahead.

-[Your Strength stat has experienced a level up]

-[Continue leveling up? The next level up will cost 4 litres of blood]


-[Your Strength stat has experienced a level up]

-[Continue leveling up? The next level up will cost 8 litres of blood]

-[Your strength stat has experienced a level up]

-[Continue leveling up? The next level up will cost 15 litres]

-[Insufficient amount of AB Blood]

 "Hmm.." Aiden whistled, clenching his fist. He could feel a volatile energy stirring within his muscles.

 "Let's see if this system really works!" he licked his lips as he left his apartment.

 Fortunately, a tree happened to be a stone throw away.

 Arriving besides the tree, Aiden leaned back a bit, drawing his clenched fist back before sending it thrusting forward.