Lorelei Decision


Avolire Castle.


"However, we must know Lady Sera's current condition," stated Sir Mathias, his eyes staring intently ahead at Lord Caspian's wife, Lady Grace.

"What do you suggest for this?" asked Lady Grace.

"I suggest establishing diplomacy with Helferich. That will make it easier for us to keep an eye on Lady Sera," explained Sir Mathias.

"It's been a while since we've had diplomacy with Helferich. I'm not sure if establishing diplomatic relations with Helferich would be good for Lorelei in the near future," Lady Grace replied.

"It's better than doing nothing," Sir Mathias countered.

Grace and Mathias were still talking to each other in the council chamber, witnessed by Lord Arnold and his youngest sister, Lady Mia. The two stood in line with Lady Grace.

In contrast to Sir Mathias' row, the officials of Avolire Castle stood there and agreed with Mathias regarding the measures to save Lady Sera.

For Mathias, it was time for Lorelei to leave Reingard and its alliance. They did not show any certainty when Prince Alexander would be rescued.

The news of Prince Alexander being imprisoned in Northcrest became a trending topic across the lands of Athalaris.

Other rumours swirled wildly about the cause of Alexandre's imprisonment: from the crime of murder to rape.

The noise of Alexandre's rumours made House Lorelei furious. They didn't like the idea of their most beautiful lady, Lady Sera, being married off to a scoundrel like Prince Alexander.

"It would be nice if we could confirm Sera's situation through a letter. We cannot rashly establish diplomatic relations with them," Lord Arnold explained.

Mathias nodded. Lord Arnold's suggestion was not entirely bad. In that way, it would be easy for Lorelei to confirm Sera's condition without having to clash with Helferich.

Just when everyone was about to agree to Lord Arnold's suggestion, the door to the council chamber in Avolire Castle opened. A man walked in wearing a royal shirt and a purple furry coat with a white lotus blossom.

"The raven from Castlebourne has arrived. Hildemar will help us to seize the White Coast lands," Lord Caspian replied.

"White Coast? Does that mean you agree to Duke Howard's proposal?" asked Mathias, shocked.

Lord Caspian fell silent, walking towards his throne chair until he sat down on it. Now, all eyes in the room were focused on Caspian, the leader of House Lorelei.

"Howard told me that Edmund is leading an army to the North to free Alexander. It is a concrete step from Castlebourne to fulfil their oath," Caspian explained.

"What? An army to the north? Is he trying to create a new conflict with Archibald?" asked Mathias.

"A brilliant and brave move. Archibald has imprisoned Alexander long enough. It's time Castlebourne showed his prowess in battle," enthused Lord Arnold.

"In that case, we must not betray Prince Edmund's efforts to save Alexander," explained Caspian firmly.

He turned his head to the right, looking at Mathias who still looked at Caspian intently. Their eyes met for a moment.

"Send an envoy to Helferich. Tell them Lorelei has made the decision," Caspian replied.

"Lady Sera will be married off to Prince Alexander. With that, no one is allowed to dispute it, including you, Mathias," Caspian retorted, staring intently at his advisor.

Mathias closed his eyes, nodding as he lowered his body, agreeing to what Caspian had told him.

"While they're trying to save Alexander, we should start working on a plan to take the White Coast from Heimrich," Caspian replied.

The middle-aged man turned his head to the side, looking at Lord Arnold closely. This war would be an interesting one for Arnold, with the potential destruction of two major houses on the White Coast.

"You will organize the plan of attack, Arnold. Once we all agree, we will go to the Gardenhill," Caspian explained.

Mathias listened to everything even though he didn't like it. Mathias' idea was to leave the Reingard Alliance to defend Lorelei's honour, but Caspian still insisted on keeping Lorelei in the Reingard Alliance.

That also left Mathias with no other choice but to do what Caspian told him, Lord Arnold and Lady Grace did not seem to fully disagree with Lord Caspian's decision.

Lord Caspian and Arnold were talking right before the strategy table that displayed a comprehensive map of Athalaris.

They were now heading towards the White Coast, where Mathilde and Heimrich were fighting each other.

Mathias listened, advised, and concluded what Caspian and Arnold were planning. Hildemar himself would send an army of 30,000 men to capture the White Coast, while Lorelei would only help with 20,000 men.

In accordance with the agreement with Duke Howard, Lorelei would have full rights to the White Coast land if Hildemar succeeded in capturing it.

It was a guarantee from Howard that Lorelei was willing to marry Sera to Alexander.

'A great war will occur at the end of King Otto's regime. Who exactly is the master of this conflict?' asked Mathias, silently speaking with a curious heart.


Calden Castle


Quentin was sitting in a hall chair, looking towards the front where the Lanercoast folk came to complain about something, whether it was food supply, iron supplies, or crimes committed by the city's folk.

"Go to Sir Norton. He will give you a tax amnesty letter," Quentin stated.

While the man was still talking to the people, he was surprised by the arrival of a soldier. The soldier stepped forward without queuing like the other people.

"What's the matter? Can't you see I'm working with them?" asked Quentin coldly.

"I apologize, Lord Quentin. An envoy has come to the southern border. He wishes to see you to pass on his message," replied the soldier.

Quentin stopped his activities for the time being, turning attentively to the soldier still kneeling before him.

"Is he from Lorelei?" asked Quentin.

"Yes, Lord Quentin," replied the soldier, keeping his head bowed obediently.

The prince cleared his throat. He started to stand up from his seat, stepping closer to Arabelle, who stood close to Quentin.

"Please replace me for a while. I need to see him," Quentin pleaded.

Arabelle smiled sweetly and nodded slowly. She said clearly that she would do a good job.

She started to sit in the chair, unlike Quentin, who walked away following where the soldier was going.

They went out from inside the hall of Calden Castle, walking straight ahead until they met a soldier in dark purple robes, typical of House Lorelei's distinctive colours.

Quentin's arrival caused the soldier to bow his head and kneel obediently. He handed Quentin a scroll of paper that Mathias had written on, bearing an order from Lord Caspian.

Quentin could see the seal of Lorelei's stamp on the scroll, round in shape with a lotus flower displayed prominently.

He opened the letter and read the words inside. It was written clearly that the contents of the letter were both a request and a decision.

Lord Caspian's decision was to marry Lady Sera to Alexander, and his request was to return Lady Sera safely to the Redfair border.

Quentin rolled the paper back up, looking back where a soldier was still with him, "Where is Lady Sera?"

"This morning, Lady Marcella and Princess Mary took Lady Sera for a walk in the city streets," stated the soldier, the gatekeeper.

"Find her and bring her to me."