Return Home

After meeting the soldier looking for her, Sera hurriedly rode off the main road of Calden City to arrive at Calden Castle.

They quickly rode from the city center to the castle since Quentin needed Sera's presence in the assembly room.

Lady Marcella and Princess Mary did the same. They were both curious about what Prince Quentin wanted to tell Sera.

Arriving inside Calden Castle, Sera dismounted from the saddle, followed by Marcella and Mary. 

They hooked the horse's reins to one of the wooden poles, which indeed had the function of anchoring the horse's reins so that it would not get loose.

The assembly room was on the third floor, close to Lord Edgar's study. The three walked in accompanied by a soldier in full armor with a red cape bearing a white eagle.

The soldier started knocking on the door, the voice from inside asking the visitor in front to enter.

Quentin's eyes could see the woman he was waiting for had arrived, with Marcella and Mary accompanying her.

The soldier bowed his head, saluting Prince Quentin, "I have fetched and delivered them to you, My Lord."

Quentin nodded while clearing his throat. Without a word from the young man's mouth, the soldier stepped back, leaving the assembly room with the door still open.

"Come inside, Lady Sera. We haven't spoken much these days," Quentin stated.

Lady Sera fell silent. She stepped inside and saw that Calden Castle's assembly room was deserted, with only Quentin.

"Where are the others?" asked Sera, curious.

"They're in the castle hall, hearing people's complaints about the current situation," Quentin replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That should keep Sir Colton's mouth shut," Quentin chuckled.

Despite Quentin's words, Sera, who was before him, remained silent, looking at Quentin with solemnity.

"Your attitude has changed since the last time I saw you," revealed Quentin, curious while squinting.

"I don't know. I don't really like the traditions of this place, the dirty dancing, the vulgar speech, the disrespect for women's honor. I don't really like it," Sera replied, starting to tell the truth.

It was Quentin's turn to be speechless as if slapped by what Sera had just said. The woman had clearly complained about Quentin and Arabelle's wedding celebration.

Quentin, however, tried to stay calm. Sera was born and raised in a great and honorable house in Redfair, a peaceful region without any disputes, in contrast to what happened to Quentin and Helferich.

Castlebourne had always been meant to Helferich, right before the Lanercoast leader broke off relations with Castlebourne.

So, there was an obvious environmental and social difference between the two lands: Redfair was peaceful, and Helferich was always in turmoil.

"The lotus represents peace and tranquility. The story about you thinking that it is important to have equality between men and women was amazing," Quentin stated.

The man stepped forward, taking one step after another towards Sera until he was fully present before the woman.

Quentin immediately handed her the opened letter scroll, with Lorelei's seal broken.

Seeing Lorelei's seal emblazoned on the letter made Sera spontaneously shoot up, staring at Quentin intently.

"Lorelei?" asked Sera.

"I have read it. It's better for you to know for yourself what the letter says," Quentin explained.

Sera swallowed her saliva deeply. She reached out and picked up the scroll. She opened it with both hands while her eyeballs kept moving right and left, following the paragraphs in the letter.

Just as Quentin had predicted. Sera would definitely be very surprised after reading the letter, a letter written by Caspian's advisor.

"They agreed to the marriage," revealed Sera, shocked as her eyes widened.

Quentin glanced back, looking at Marcella and Mary with seriousness, "Leave us."

Marcella and Mary were still curious about what happened to Sera, but Quentin didn't want Marcella and Mary to get involved in his plans.

Sera shed tears. She had expected that Lorelei would accept Howard's request, no matter what.

Quentin took a handkerchief out of the pocket of his manor shirt, wiping away Sera's tears, which fell through the crack of her cheeks.

Sera gasped, both cheeks blushing red in blush at what Quentin was doing to her.

"It's time for you to leave this place," Quentin replied.

"But Alexander has not been found yet. My arrival there will only create more problems," Sera stated, taking Quentin's handkerchief and wiping away her tears.

"We all promised you would return when the time was right. Lorelei has decided that you must keep it," Quentin replied.

Sera fell silent again, her red eyes staring at the letter she held in her hand, signaling her return to Avolire.

"Please help me, Prince Quentin. I don't want to return there when my future is uncertain," Sera replied, holding Quentin's tightly.

"I want to help you, but I have bigger fish to fry!" Quentin explained.

Hearing this made Sera shocked and resigned. The wide smile that had always been on her face started to fade, replaced by a look of uncertainty about the future.

Quentin called Marcella, asking her to take Sera back to her chamber.

"Take her back to her chambers and help her pack," Quentin insisted.

"Where is she going?" asked Lady Marcella, hugging Sera's slumped body.

Quentin took the letter from Sera's hand, the woman not minding at all. Quentin stepped back and burned the paper on the iron pole candle near the throne chair in the assembly room.

"She's going home."


Avarde River.

The border of Lanercoast and Redfair.

Quentin would certainly not let Sera leave alone. After the meeting with Sera, Quentin immediately sent a message to Caspian to meet him at the Alree Bridge.

Whether Caspian had received the message or not, but Quentin hoped he could meet him there while escorting Sera home.

Along with Sera and ten red-cloaked cavalrymen, he began riding from Calden Castle southward toward the Avarde River, where they met.

Arabelle already knew about the news of Sera's return. She found out through Marcella, who told her about it.

"Why are you coming with me, Prince Quentin?" asked Sera, curious.

"I have something to discuss with Lord Caspian," revealed Quentin.

"What is it?" asked Sera.

Quentin was silent, not looking to the side and preferring to stay focused on the dirt road ahead.

Quentin and Sera marched first among the ten cavalrymen until their group arrived on the other side of the river.

As far as the eye could see, Quentin noticed the border guard troops in Redfair were on alert precisely after witnessing the arrival of Helferich's troops.

"They're not here yet," Quentin thought.

Shortly after that, Lord Caspian finally arrived after riding from Avolire. He did not come alone but with his son, Arnold.

"It was unexpected that you delivered Sera directly to me," Caspian stated.

"Are you sure about your decision? You will only cause Sera more suffering," Quentin insisted.

"No, I'm not. Prince Alexander will soon be rescued by Castlebourne's army. She no longer has to worry," declared Caspian.

"Really? The conflict between Castlebourne and Archibald will be long. Are you sure Sera can wait for that long?" asked Quentin.

Caspian laughed again softly as he remained seated in his saddle, accompanied by Lord Arnold, who always stayed by Caspian's side.

"I'm sure the farmers' army will be no match for Castlebourne's," Caspian stated.

"You always use war to reach your purpose. Do you realize the war you want would have a full effect on the economic situation of Athalaris?" asked Quentin.

"I don't want to hear advice from a young man who constantly hides behind Edgar's armpit," Caspian replied.

"Edgar Helferich is ill. I have married his daughter. Soon, I will be Lord of Helferich!" asserted Quentin.

Quentin dismounted from the saddle, followed by Sera, who seemed to be coming down in a beautiful purple dress. The two walked on the Alree bridge to escort Sera back to Caspian.

Sera walked through the middle line of the Alree bridge until she was fully in the arms of her older brother, Arnold.

There were no wounds or signs of violence on Sera's body. Helferich was taking good care of her.

"Don't be too hard on me, Lord Caspian. I'm sure you'll need me one day," emphasized Quentin.

"What do you mean?" asked Caspian, confused.

"If Sera feels no longer comfortable in Avolire, we will welcome her back."