Castlebourne Hawk-eye

Helferich's soldiers were seen helping Archibald's soldiers to capture the Telmarath men who had surrendered in this war. Harold and Luke knelt in resignation with their hands behind their heads.

Leonil handed his horse to Norman to let the leader of House Archibald ride closer to where the Telmarath warriors were gathered. Norman went with Quentin to the area.

The galloping hooves of Quentin and Norman's horses caught the soldiers' attention. They began to open the way and allowed the two great House leaders to approach the location where thousands of Telmarath troops were being held.

"My lord," greeted James, who was still there, watching the Telmarath soldiers.

Norman and Quentin's presence was a concern for the Telmarath soldiers. Those in fear and resignation turned to stare at the two men, their hearts filled with worry.

"How many Telmarath soldiers have surrendered and lived?" Norman asked one of his soldiers.