The Three House Banquet

Quentin rode away from the area in front of Oldcairn's walls, right in line with the Telmarath soldiers being herded into the city. Before Norman took them all to Wintercrest for the victory parade, they would stay a few days in Oldcairn.

The young leader of House Helferich left with the cavalier who had approached him earlier. The two aimed to head to the tents of the Helferich army, especially the tent where Harold was being held.

Just as Harold had wanted, Quentin arrived at the camp and was immediately greeted with the sound of applause and cheers from the Helferich soldiers.

They witnessed and knew very well what Quentin's abilities were like, especially since he managed to keep Helferich's troops from suffering too many casualties.

"Are they not resting?" asked Quentin to the soldier beside him.