No Eagle in The Castle


It rained heavily that night, and the soldiers chose to shelter in their tents until the rain stopped. They made the small ditches for a reason: to prevent rainwater from pooling in the encampment.

Leonil, along with the other captains, were in the main tent of the Helferich encampment, the tent with the largest size among the other tents - the soldiers' tents.

"I never thought Lord Edgar would die," James explained.

"We all never expected it. Lord Edgar has been very ill lately, and none of us know what caused his illness," Leonil replied.

"Does it relate to Sir Colton's case?" asked the Baron.

Their commander crossed his arms, staring outside the tent through the half-open curtains. The case of Sir Colton trying to poison Lord Edgar was indeed something unthinkable, a loyal advisor killing his own master.