Most Powerful Man in Athalaris




"Make sure all their needs are met. Also, I want to ensure the trade routes to the west and south are safe from bandits," explained Howard Hildemar, speaking to one of his aides who works to ensure the reigns of Athalaris remain in place.

Duke Howard was currently in his study. He had quite a lot on his plate these days due to the high trust Prince Edmund had placed in him.

Howard is not only in charge of the economy but also of the military, finance, trade, health, education, and religion. This made Howard the most powerful man in all of Athalaris.

Archmage Dieter walked through the palace's corridors, seeing a wooden door connected to Duke Howard's study at the end of the passage. The door was guarded by two soldiers armoured with golden cloaks.

"I wish to see Duke Howard," Dieter stated, speaking in his husky voice.