How They Express Joy


Avolire Castle


House Lorelei's family was currently gathered at the dining table. Caspian took a seat at the center table. To his right was Arnold, along with his wife, Anna Lorelei.

Anna Lorelei was the first daughter of John and Lily Griselda, the leader of House Griselda, who had long been allied with the Lorelei. Since she married Arnold, her family name status is no longer Griselda but Lorelei.

On the left, Grace Lorelei sits next to Sera Lorelei. They looked familiar and friendly eating their breakfast menu that morning, a Redfair specialty that had become their favorite food.

"I never expected this food to be so delicious," Caspian praised.

Grace smiled as her right hand extended, reaching for her glass of water, "You always say that every time we have breakfast together."

"It's a compliment to them. At least they did their job well," said Caspian.