Foes and Allies

Howard did not remain silent, knowing Prince Quentin had defected against Telmarath. He quickly walked out of his study to reach Prince Edmund's chambers.

The soldiers on guard duty in front of Howard's study gasped at the sight of Howard striding with large steps like a hasty man. They both finally realized something: the war's defeat in the north must have severely hit Telmarath's position.

Duke Howard sped through the corridors of the third floor of the palace, passing several maids busy doing their work. When the maids saw Howard's presence, they immediately stopped their pace while bowing their heads in salute.

A worried-looking face, brisk footsteps, and eyes focused sharply ahead. Duke Howard's expression puzzled the maids and worried them.

"Has something happened?" asked one of the maids to her companion.

"I don't know. But Duke Howard must be doing something about his problem," the fellow maid replied.