Order From Castlebourne


Avolire Castle.


Caspian is currently busy preparing for the banquet ceremony that will be held to celebrate the pregnancy of Lady Anna, Arnold Lorelei's wife.

Despite organizing the banquet amid a difficult food situation, there were no complaints from the city folk. They were busier thinking about themselves than what House Lorelei was doing.

Sera stood gracefully on the balcony of her chamber, enjoying the breeze filled with a very peaceful feel. What she saw may have been peaceful and tranquil, but if Sera looked further into society, she could see considerable chaos and inequality.

The door to Sera's chamber was knocked softly, and the woman inside spontaneously looked back, "Come inside."

Sera Lorelei's eyes clearly saw that the person visiting her chamber was Lady Anna Lorelei, Arnold Lorelei's wife. She came with a snack served on a metal tray.