Festival Preparations

Geoffrey walked down the stairs with a neat suit clinging to his body, an ash-colored noble shirt with black trousers. He simply left Calden Castle while Arabelle and Quentin were in the dining room.

He was in such a hurry to leave that he didn't realize Quentin was there. Geoffrey was afraid if he made a mistake again, Quentin would not hesitate to send him back to Wintercrest for nothing.

"He just stepped away from Calden Castle," revealed Arabelle.

Quentin's position at breakfast did have his back on the way from the stairs to the entrance of Calden Castle, but it was different from Arabelle's. Arabelle's position was right in front of Quentin, so Arabelle's eyes could clearly see Geoffrey's leaving.

"He doesn't seem to realize we're here," Quentin explained.

The man's right hand stretched forward, reaching for his glass filled with water, "Captain Baron is probably waiting for him in annoyance outside Calden Castle anyway."