Diagnose Gangrene

"Are you sure?" asked Dorren, trying to confirm Quentin's decision to delay Harold's return to Castlebourne.

There was not the slightest doubt in Quentin's heart regarding the decision. He did not want to send Harold away with James coming with him. If that were to happen, James would undoubtedly miss the festival this time.

"Yeah, I'm sure. He can go when the festival is over," Quentin replied, looking confidently at Sir Dorren.

Sir Dorren noticed there wasn't the slightest hesitation in Quentin's facial lines. It was enough to prove to him that Quentin's decision was the best for everyone.

"My lord!" someone called out from the crowd of city folk, addressing Quentin loudly.

Quentin had heard the call. The man immediately turned around and looked at the crowd. They gathered there immediately upon hearing Lord Quentin's presence in the city center.