Deteriorating Situation

A complicated and troublesome request according to the thin man, but when he looked at his wife and children dying of this disease, the man had no other choice but to obey Quentin's orders.

"Do I have to clean my house too?" asked the thin man, realizing that his house was a mess with corners full of dust and cobwebs rarely cleaned.

Quentin and Sir Dorren looked back, stared at the skinny man again, and then cast their eyes around —Exactly every part of the man's house.

"That's much better. A clean environment will make your family healthy," Sir Dorren replied, replying to the thin man's words.

"Do what is best for your family. Don't let them die when you know you can save them," Quentin instructed, encouraging the skinny man.

Quentin gave him such an order solely to make him the subject of his research on this Gangrene case, considering that until now, there had been no detailed information on the reason for this disease and how it spread.