House Heimrich Arrival

"What?" asked Arabelle, the woman unable to hide her surprise to find Quentin saying so.

Quentin turned his head to the side, facing Arabelle, who looked in disbelief at Quentin's decision. Arabelle had not expected Quentin to reject David's proposal to have the Heimrich join the alliance.

"We have to be realistic, Arabelle. Forming an alliance must be mutually beneficial, such as Archibald's relations with Helferich," Quentin explained.

"Archibald sells their goods to Helferich, and they make a profit. Helferich buys goods from them; Helferich can deal with food prices," Quentin says.

"But if the Heimrich try to join, they should at least propose what they will offer us," Quentin added.

For the Heimrich soldier coming with David, Quentin's words were hurtful and arrogant. Every word Quentin spoke seemed to undermine David's dignity among his soldiers.