The Closeness of Heimrich and Helferich

Quentin invited Sir Dorren to speak elsewhere, in Quentin's study on the castle's third floor. Sir Dorren certainly could not refuse, considering the discussion this time could be very important and involved many things about the alliance.

The door to Lord Helferich's study opened, Quentin immediately opened the bottle of wine that had been available on the couch table. Originally, Quentin wanted to spend time with Arabelle while drinking the wine, but Heimrich's sudden arrival made the two drop their plans.

Quentin held the bottle in his right hand, pouring the top-quality wine into two glasses. Sir Dorren was honored that Quentin would pour the wine for him.

"They are south of Mathilde. The only route from Heimrich to Lanercoast is through Mathilde," Quentin revealed, pouring wine into his own glass.