Lord Helferich's Decisiveness

"Are you not forbidding me to take the throne from Edmund?" asked Quentin.

Harold's statement made Quentin confused. Harold was indeed serving as a double agent in Castlebourne, working for King Athalaris as a minister and working for Helferich as a spy.

Harold was silent, not saying a word or showing any gesture. Quentin narrowed his eyes, wanting to know Harold's true attitude towards Quentin's response.

"Although you are a Lord Helferich, it cannot be denied that you are still the Prince of Athalaris. I cannot deny you the right to ascend the throne and take it from Edmund," said Harold firmly.

"But the people of Telmarath are not entirely responsible for the tragedy that occurred to you. Do not sacrifice them for the sake of your ambition," Harold continued.

Harold delivered this naive statement in response to Quentin's attitude. Trying to ignore the civilian casualties in a war was like trying to avoid getting stuck in a pinhole.