Chapter 5: Unable to Attain His Love_1

"Xinjie, you don't need to force yourself like this."

Li Mingxun felt heartbroken, his hand gently stroking Jiang Xinjie's back. "The person I love is you, not her. I've said before, I will take responsibility for you, and I will see it through to the end."

"Brother Mingxun, I'm relieved to hear these words from you."

Jiang Xinjie leaned into Li Mingxun's arms, "Even if we truly can't get married, I won't regret having this child."

Seeing Jiang Xinjie being so thoughtful and considerate, Li Mingxun's heart ached more for her and his hatred for Luo Qianxun grew stronger.

He would force Luo Qianxun to sign the divorce papers, no matter what it takes.

"Ding dong…"

Luo Qianxun was in a sleepy haze. The persistent ringing doorbell was annoying.

She forced her eyes open. After a few seconds to steady herself, she got out of bed to answer the door.

Outside, the lawyer, Mr. He, was holding a briefcase, talking in a formal tone, "Mrs. Li, I've been commissioned by Mr. Li to bring the divorce agreement for you to sign."

Luo Qianxun paused, taken aback. It seemed that Li Mingxun was really in a hurry to get divorced from her.

"Come in first."

She stepped back, welcoming Mr. He into the hall.

"Have a seat, I'll get you a cup of water."

Luo Qianxun, though not welcoming of Mr. He's visit, still maintained basic courtesy.

"That won't be necessary, Mrs. Li. Let's get straight to the point."

Mr. He took the divorce agreement from his briefcase and handed it to Luo Qianxun, "Mrs. Li, Mr. Li will treat you fairly as long as you sign. All the property listed in the agreement will be yours, and you will be well taken care of for the rest of your life."

"Hmm, he is quite generous."

Luo Qianxun didn't even glance at the contents of the agreement. She tossed it onto the coffee table and looked straight at Mr. He, "But what if I don't want to sign?"

She suddenly felt a sense of determination as if it was do-or-die. She loved Li Mingxun, but she didn't receive his love in return.

Why should she sign to make it easier for him and Jiang Xinjie? Why should she watch them build a life together?

No, if there was going to be pain, then it was better for all three of them to suffer together.

"Mrs. Li, you should think it over carefully. It's best to part amicably."

Mr. He looked at Luo Qianxun from behind his spectacles. His eyes were sharp, "This is the best compensation Mr. Li can offer. If you're too greedy, you could end up with nothing in the end."

"You think I care about all that?"

Luo Qianxun laughed. The bitterness in her eyes was so strong that she had to fight back tears. "Tell him, I won't sign."


When Li Mingxun heard from Mr. He that Luo Qianxun refused to sign the agreement, he swept everything off his desk in fury. His voice was icy, "Damn it, how could she?"

"Mr. Li, it seems that Mrs. Li is not going to agree to a divorce easily. There's another way."

Mr. He adjusted in his glasses, looking at Li Mingxun, suggested, "You could file a divorce petition. If the two of you live separately for two years from the date of submission, you could apply for a divorce."

"Two years?"

Li Mingxun clenched his fist and slammed it down onto the desk, "Impossible!"

Jiang Xinjie would give birth in ten months. How could he possibly wait two years?

If he was to take responsibility for her and their child, he would not allow her to face criticism from others.

"Yes, I will try to negotiate with Mrs. Li again."

Mr. He nodded, knowing that this divorce was not going to be easily settled.

Luo Qianxun was too stubborn. It's not easy to change the mind of a stubborn woman.

Indeed, it was a headache-inducing issue.