Chapter 4 You are Really a Madman_1


Li Mingxun looked at Luo Qianxun's defiant gaze and clenched his teeth, before fiercely pushing her away.

She tumbled clumsily onto the floor, yet she continued to challenge Li Mingxun. "Why don't you just kill me? If I die, you can marry Jiang Xinjie!"

"You're a real lunatic!"

Li Mingxun threw the words at her resentfully then turned to walk towards the main door.

Just as he was about to leave, he stopped and spoke in an icy tone, "I'll have lawyer He follow up on this. You'd better sign the papers without a fuss."

"I won't sign! I won't sign!"

Luo Qianxun started to scream, hysterically, "Li Mingxun, unless I die, no one will make me sign it!"

Her words were met with the loud slamming noise of the door shutting; she knew just how angry Li Mingxun was.

Helplessly lying on the floor, she curled up and began to cry.

"Baby, what do we do now? Your dad doesn't want us."

She gently caressed her stomach, her voice choking up, "I've just found out about your existence, and now he's leaving me. Baby, what does mommy do?"



Jiang Xinjie's condition had stabilized. Her unborn child was safe and she was currently receiving an IV drip while lying in her hospital bed.

Her naturally refined and delicate features, coupled with her pale complexion, made her appear especially pitiful.

"Brother Mingxun, I'm so sorry, how could I have been so careless?"

Upon looking at Li Mingxun, tears started to fall from Jiang Xinjie's eyes as she reproached herself, "I almost lost our baby. I wouldn't be able to live if anything happened to it."

"Don't think too much about it, the doctor said you need bed rest for a week."

Li Mingxun lifted his hand to caress Jiang Xinjie's cheek, consoling her, "You're pregnant, you need to stay optimistic, that's what's best for the baby."


Jiang Xinjie nodded, "I was truly frightened this time, I will be more cautious in the future. This is our child, I will protect it."

"Xinjie, have some water."

Li Mingxun poured a cup of water, helped Jiang Xinjie sit up, and let her lean on his chest to drink.

"Brother Mingxun, I..."

Jiang Xinjie had finished her water, looking like she had something to say but was hesitating.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

Li Mingxun put down the cup and looked at Jiang Xinjie.

"I... I'm pregnant now, and my belly will grow very soon. But I'm still unmarried, and people will gossip about it, then I..."

Jiang Xinjie couldn't help but shed tears. Her teary-eyed appearance made people feel even more sorry for her.

"I don't care about my reputation, but I don't want our baby to be born with people saying it doesn't have a father..."

She clutched Li Mingxun's arms, choked up, "I don't want to let our baby live under people's strange looks."

"It won't be like that."

Li Mingxun held Jiang Xinjie, consoling her, "I'll divorce Luo Qianxun and marry you, so the baby can be born into a complete family."

"Will she agree to a divorce?"

Jiang Xinjie looked at Li Mingxun pitifully, "I understand her, she's a very obstinate person, would she let go?"

Li Mingxun's brows furrowed tight, "I'll find a way to force her to sign."

The image of Luo Qianxun's stubborn gaze popped into his mind, making him agitated. Damn woman.

"Brother Mingxun, I'm not rushing you, but I won't be able to hide my pregnancy for much longer."

Jiang Xinjie raised her hand to her lower abdomen, "I'm looking forward to the birth of this little life, because it's our child. Even if Luo Qianxun refuses to divorce, I'm willing to be a single mother and raise this child."