Chapter 338 Drunk Life, Dream Death_1

Luo Qianxun had disappeared, and Li Mingxun spent each day numbing himself with alcohol.

At first, he would go to the club to drink. But seeing that he was spiralling into alcoholism, Bai Xiaolian forbade him from drinking there. So, he simply started drinking in his guest room.

He stopped going to the company, leaving everything to be managed by Lin Zhiyuan.

He dared not step foot in the main bedroom, fearing that going in would awaken the memories of Luo Qianxun buried deep within his heart.

He dared not touch anything in the nursery, afraid that his own tears might burst forth uncontrollably.

In an instance, he had inexplicably lost both his wife and child.

Was there anyone more innocent than him?

The housekeeper felt heartbroken seeing Li Mingxun in such a drunken state.

She had tried to dissuade him, but he wouldn't listen, continuing to drink his life away.

The phone rang, and the housekeeper hurried to answer it, "Hello?"