Chapter 339: She Saved Me? _1

"Mingxun, Qianxun has left, is there any use in you drinking day after day?"

Li Yuan looked sternly at Li Mingxun, "Shouldn't you be trying to find a way to bring her back?"

"I can't find her."

Li Mingxun shook his head, "Zehao helped me look, but there's no news, she seems to have vanished."

"As long as she's alive, she can be found."

Li Yuan forcefully tapped his walking cane on the ground, "What did you do to Qianxun that made her disappear so completely?"

"I didn't."

Li Mingxun pulled at his hair in frustration, "Everything changed from that afternoon. I regret it, I should have never quarreled with her that day, I should have just sent her home. Maybe none of this would have happened."

"Mingxun, pull yourself together first. If you can't find her in one day, take a year, if not a year, take ten years. I don't believe that a living person can't be found."