What is the final plan

The zombie horde had already begun besieging the large iron gate. Decaying arms were constantly reaching in, and though the gate was sturdy, it was only a matter of time before it would be breached under the relentless assaults.

"Throw the bombs!" Emma Kensington shouted.

At this moment, Olivia Turner and the others each held a bottle, lit the fuse, and threw them outside.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions echoed continuously, and flames erupted from all directions. Zombies were engulfed by the fire, but there were constantly more zombies rushing in from behind!

Meanwhile, the zombie bat from the sky charged towards the group where Olivia Turner was. It effortlessly grabbed a person, tore them apart mid-air, and began devouring them.

The scene became chaotic. Some were scared, covering their heads and retreating, attempting to head back to the garage. Others, fueled by rage, continued throwing bottles outside, but the supply of usable bottles was running low.

Under the relentless attacks, the iron gate began to deform. It wouldn't be long before it was breached.

If things continued like this, all the survivors would be consumed by the zombie horde—it was just a matter of time!

"Help me!" Emma Kensington shouted towards Clark and began moving.

What was she planning?

Clark observed her trajectory and realized she was clearly trying to attract the attention of the zombie bat!

After finishing its prey, the zombie bat immediately charged towards Emma Kensington.

As the two drew closer, when they were about ten meters apart, Emma Kensington threw all her darts at once. Several streaks of light flew out, shining brightly in the firelight.

Ka, Ka, Ka!

The zombie bat was left with several wounds, green blood flowing, but none were fatal. Enraged by the injuries, it charged towards Emma Kensington, intent on tearing her into pieces!

"Get away!" Clark roared and rushed towards Emma Kensington.

"Don't come any closer!" Emma Kensington shouted when she saw Clark rushing to rescue her, disregarding his safety. At the same time, she threw the short knife in her hand.

Having learned its lesson, the zombie bat soared into the air, avoiding the knife.

"What a pity!" Emma Kensington, for some reason, looked regretful but not angry. Instead, she gazed at Clark with an indescribable expression.

"I originally thought that if I could kill this zombie bat, perhaps I could save some people. Now it seems impossible," Emma Kensington suddenly smiled, raised her hand, and attempted to press the device on her wrist.

Clark grabbed her hand, stopping her. "What are you hiding from everyone?" Clark had long suspected that Emma Kensington was keeping something from them, and seeing this action deepened his suspicion.

"This place will be overrun by the zombie horde sooner or later. We will all die. I want to send a signal to the Alliance before we die. There are no living people left in this city. It's time to execute the final plan," Emma Kensington said firmly.

"What is the final plan?" Clark asked loudly, a sense of dread creeping over him.

"The Alliance will do its best to save the remaining humans. But once they confirm that a city has no surviving humans, they'll launch a missile, destroying the entire city. It effectively reduces the number of zombies and ensures that the city's resources won't fall into zombie hands!" Emma Kensington explained, sounding as if it were something unrelated to her.

"You're insane!" Clark felt his scalp tingling. "On what basis do you decide that a city has no survivors? What gives you the right to destroy a city, a pinnacle of human civilization? The person who came up with this plan is truly mad! It's like sacrificing one thousand to lose eight hundred, saving those who can be saved and wiping out everyone else. Such black-and-white thinking is terrifying."

"The world is cruel. It's unfortunate that we couldn't save you all," Emma Kensington's expression was grim. "The people here are the last surviving sparks of humanity in this city. I was responsible for gathering and relocating the survivors in this city, and now the mission has failed."

"Sorry!" Emma Kensington glanced at Clark, attempting to break free and press the final button.

"Ding! The system detected that the second beauty has developed a favorable impression towards the protagonist! Reward one: Facial attractiveness restored to 60%. Reward two: Administering a nerve toxin. The neurotoxin is contagious, paralyzing any living creature it touches for one hour."

What use is facial attractiveness at a time like this?

Clark felt speechless. In a life-or-death situation, being handsome served no purpose!

Wait a minute, nerve toxin?

Clark glanced at the zombie bat in the sky and suddenly thought of a plan.

"Do you believe me?" he urgently asked Emma Kensington, catching her off guard, unsure how to respond.

"Trust me and follow my lead, don't do anything for now, just watch me!" Clark said, then turned away from Emma Kensington and ran off, shouting loudly.

"You foolish bat, come and catch me!" he yelled, waving the dagger in his hand as he spoke.

The zombie bat, upon seeing Clark and especially the dagger in his hand, narrowed its gaze. It charged down towards Clark, and just as it was very close, suddenly changed direction. At the same time, Clark threw the dagger, but he didn't put much force into it because he knew this move wouldn't work on the bat.

The zombie bat successfully dodged the dagger and made a strange sound, seemingly mocking Clark. It extended a pair of sharp claws and reached out towards Clark. Clark was easily caught.

However, compared to William, who had his body pierced by the claws, Clark seemed fine. The claws only scratched his skin, causing minimal harm.

"Body strengthening really can save your life!" Clark sighed in relief. As long as he didn't die, that rotten bat was as good as dead!

The zombie bat didn't think so much. Seeing that its claws couldn't pierce Clark, it opened its mouth and bit towards him. But before it could reach Clark, something seemed to be fed into its throat like a candy, and it immediately swallowed it.