Bloody Violence

"These flames may temporarily halt the impending zombie horde, but they won't last long. We need to get back to the cave entrance and build defensive fortifications immediately!" Michael decisively judged.

"Do you still have a way to contact the alliance? It's hard to defend alone. Without rescue, everyone here will eventually die!" Clark spoke directly, acknowledging that any fortifications would only provide temporary resistance, not a lasting defense. Going out to find an escape route was no longer practical, and the best solution in the face of the approaching zombie horde was to seek help.

"Well, actually..." Michael hesitated, glancing at Clark with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, speak up!" Clark seemed to understand something from Michael's expression.

"I already sent out a distress signal from inside the fortress. It's just that this matter is quite confidential, so I didn't inform you," Michael spoke, avoiding eye contact with Clark.

Clark understood Michael's reasons for keeping it confidential, realizing that Michael still considered him an outsider.

"As long as the rescue arrives, everyone can survive. That's good enough!" Clark didn't say anything more and turned away.

It was normal to think this way. Michael was the leader of the alliance team, and the other members were soldiers. What was Clark?

An unknown outsider!

Even if he saved the people in the fortress, he would still be an outsider!

Clark didn't mind these thoughts because dwelling on them wouldn't make much of a difference. Changing someone's perception of oneself was not an overnight task.

The group returned to the cave entrance, and Michael immediately arranged for a large amount of supplies to be brought in via a ladder and installed the defensive fortifications.

Standing at the entrance, Clark looked at the flames burning in the distance. He didn't notice when someone had approached him, but Sophia was standing beside him.

"Go back quickly; it's dangerous here!" Clark tried to send the little girl back.

"Hum, nowhere is as safe as here. Look, someone is coming over there!" Sophia closed her eyes, facing the distance as if she could see something.

In the depths of the flames, it seemed that someone was emerging. Figures moved, resembling an army.

"They've come so fast!" Clark, standing at the forefront, saw the situation most clearly. The approaching group was a zombie horde, walking in a disoriented manner. Their numbers were enormous, but hopefully, they were just ordinary zombies.

Michael had already gathered all the alliance warriors from the fortress to the cave entrance in advance. The ones capable of fighting included Clark and Michael, totaling nine individuals. This combat strength, if placed in normal circumstances, would be the size of a platoon or even a larger squad. Now, defending the fortress seemed a bit challenging.

"Listen up, the lives of the people in the fortress depend on us! Anyone who dares to retreat or run away, I'll be the first to take them down!" Michael shouted loudly, his eyes bloodshot, his face fierce. He was extremely sensitive to death, and the impending carnage had stretched his nerves to the limit.

Zombies continued to break through the sea of fire, moving toward them. The leading zombies, some turned to ashes, some severely burned, fell to the ground, covering the flames with their bodies, creating a path for the zombies behind them.

Countless zombies advanced towards them in a relentless wave, creating a daunting sight.

"Don't panic, wait a little longer!" Clark whispered.

Michael extended his hand, gently lowering it in the air, signaling others not to act recklessly. Everyone held their breath.

"Fire!" When the zombie horde approached a certain distance from the cave entrance, Clark opened fire first. The flames shot out, turning the leading zombies into ashes. In the fire, dark figures fell, only to be quickly replaced by others.

Clark's fingers on the trigger were starting to ache. The fuel tanks were already covered in frost, signaling that the fuel inside was running out. This kind of attack couldn't be sustained for much longer.

"Throw incendiary grenades!" Michael commanded the others, tossing bombs into the zombie horde. Some exploded in the air, while others exploded on the ground, creating another, even larger wall of fire, burning the zombies that had crossed over into ashes again.

However, the zombie horde, relying on its massive numbers, continued to advance.

Time was not on Clark and Michael's side.

"Captain, we're running out of ammunition!"

"Captain, let's blow up the entrance; as long as we can delay for a while!"


Some team members were starting to panic.

"Stop the attack temporarily!" Clark spoke before Michael.

For some reason, he had a premonition that the zombie horde was just the beginning of this wave of attacks, and there were more significant troubles ahead.

The zombie horde continued its relentless advance, but when it was about to reach Clark and his group, it suddenly came to a stop. This behavior was completely different from the usual aimless wandering of zombies.

"Someone is controlling them from behind!" Clark observed the scene, feeling a sense of familiarity.

"Look over there!" Michael exclaimed.

At the rear of the zombie horde, a figure much larger than an ordinary zombie slowly walked out. After a while, its true appearance was revealed. It was a robust zombie, with a huge physique, eyes gleaming with green light, and surprisingly, a slightly smaller head on top of its main one.

"C-class zombie!"

"Why does it have two heads!"

Just seeing its appearance, someone couldn't help but scream. What was even more unexpected was that both heads seemed to be conscious, all four eyes wide open, staring in Clark's direction.

Above it, there was a small black dot. Clark looked closely and discovered it was the little bug that had escaped from Christopher's body.

"Darn it, these zombies are brought here by the corpse-controlling bug!" Clark recognized the identity of the bug and said with some self-blame. If he had acted faster and killed it earlier, things wouldn't have escalated to this point. However, he couldn't entirely blame himself; he had no idea about the existence of this corpse-controlling bug from the beginning.

The corpse-controlling bug flew above the C-class zombie, slowly landing directly above its head, staring at Clark with a hint of arrogance. However, unexpectedly, the C-class zombie grabbed the bug directly and swallowed it with a crunching sound.

"Serves it right!" Clark, watching the scene, expressed some disdain.

"There will be a fierce battle later. We might not all survive. If you can run, run now!" Clark told Sophia. He had saved the little girl once, but he didn't know if he could save her this time, so he wanted her to leave while she still could.