We won

"Scaredy-cat, a little guy scared you like this? Pathetic!" Sophia said with a disdainful expression. Her fair, jade-like face deliberately lifted, as if declaring her bravery, with no intention of escaping.

"Not obedient!" Clark was a bit angry, but after some thought, where could she escape to now, inside the fortress? As long as this place was breached, that would be a pocket and a dead end.

Just as he was thinking, a Class C zombie roared, and the zombie horde began to move, continuously advancing towards Clark and his group.

"Damn it, let's go all out!" Michael had no other choice; there was no retreat, only fighting to the death!

Everyone was at full throttle, temporarily slowing down the advance of the zombie horde, but it was futile.

"He he!" The Class C zombie emitted a mocking laugh, knowing that as long as this continued, it would surely win.

"You're laughing too soon!" Clark held a dagger and directly used the last acceleration skill!

Capture the leader; as long as he could kill this Class C zombie, the other ordinary zombies wouldn't be much of a problem.

The dagger was thrown like a streak of light.

Hundredfold acceleration made it impossible to see its trajectory, let alone for the zombies.

Wherever the dagger went, the zombies blocking its path were pierced through!

The Class C zombie obviously felt something unusual but didn't know what was happening, so it dared not act recklessly.


A muffled sound!

A large hole was pierced through the body of the Class C zombie, through and through, occupying half of its body directly.

According to usual experience, a zombie receiving such serious damage would either instantly die or collapse on the ground, struggling to support itself.

However, this time Clark was wrong!

The head of the Class C zombie on top began to deform; its already ugly face twisted and emitted strange roars. Then, the entire small head burst open, as if a fruit had been smashed.

Green liquid flowed directly down, reaching the large wound.

Surprisingly, the wound was slowly filled with this green liquid. The Class C zombie's originally unstable body stood firm again.

At this moment, the Class C zombie mocked, while its eyes stared fixedly at Clark.

It already knew that the one who severely injured it just now was Clark!

"Even if I've run out of skill uses, I can still kill you!"

On the battlefield, Clark stared at the Class C zombie from a distance, showing no fear.


The Class C zombie roared, raised its hand, and gestured towards Clark's neck from a distance, threatening Clark's life!

The horde of zombies had approached the cave, and even with desperate resistance, they couldn't suppress the onslaught of such a large number of zombie attacks.

"Use that thing!" Michael gave the final command.

From the cave, two alliance warriors carried out a weapon resembling a barrel, entirely black and gleaming with a cold light. Clark had never seen this thing, but from Michael's solemn expression, he could tell the importance of this weapon. Moreover, the decision to use it only now indicated that it might be a last-resort option.

"Micro Particle Cannon!" Michael's mouth twitched slightly, showing some excitement.

"Beasts, don't be impatient, I'll wipe you out immediately!" Michael shouted.

"Captain, activating it once will almost deplete the fortress's energy..." a warrior reminded.

"Now is not the time to worry about these things. If everyone is dead, what's the use of energy! And we can't continue to survive here," Michael decisively said. The crowd fell silent.


With the command, the floating dust around the particle cannon, which was originally scattered and chaotic, seemed to be driven away. A point of light slowly converged inside the barrel, then sprayed out directly in front.

It was a light wave that, once launched, immediately spread into a half-circle, slowly expanding. The foremost zombie that came into contact with this half-circle directly turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Incredible!" Clark looked at everything in front of him, somewhat incredulous. The destructive power of this light wave was so formidable, turning zombies into ashes – ruthless!

Wherever the light wave reached, all the zombies were completely wiped out.

Cheers erupted behind Clark.

"We won!"

"We held our ground!" 

When Clark heard these words, his brow furrowed. If victory could be achieved simply by relying on the light wave, why did Michael wait until the last moment to use it? 

Any form of energy has its limits; he could only hope that this wave of energy would be enough to annihilate the zombie horde.

Upon closer inspection, it became apparent that aside from the initial zombies directly turned to ashes, the subsequent ones, even if killed, didn't turn to ashes but had their bodies shattered. 

As time passed, the size of the shattered fragments also increased.

"Not much time left!" Clark observed this change keenly.

"Everyone, grab all your weapons and follow me in a charge!" Clark shouted while pushing Sophia back and placing her next to Michael. "Keep an eye on her for me!" he added before rushing forward.

Taking advantage of the fact that the wave of attack hadn't dissipated yet, Clark aimed to kill as many zombies as possible. Perhaps there was still a chance. If he could eliminate that Class C zombie, the situation would immediately turn around.

On the battlefield, the semi-circular light wave continued to spread at the forefront, killing zombies. Behind the light wave, a few people closely followed, occasionally firing their guns and finishing off any zombies missed.

The Class C zombie continued to urge other zombies forward, using them as shields. However, the light wave had unconsciously approached it. Originally, the Class C zombie wanted to retreat to avoid the attack, but just as it was about to act, a cold light flew through the air. An iron chain flew directly in front of it, entangling and immobilizing it.

This was the same iron chain that Clark had used to bind himself earlier. After melting it with his hot skill, he kept it with him, and now he threw it out, trapping the zombie.