
"Take advantage of your illness to end your life!" Clark opened fire directly. Flames and the light wave hit the Class C zombie simultaneously, burning terrifying holes in its body.

 Pieces of skin and flesh were charred and fell off, making the entire body of the Class C zombie seem like a piece of paper about to be burnt through.

"In the end, you still died by my hands!" Clark's flamethrower didn't stop its assault; he didn't want to take any risks with this eerie creature. The entire body of the Class C zombie was burnt to a crisp and motionless.

Only then did Clark stop.

Without the command of the Class C zombie, the other zombies returned to their usual aimless wandering, and the horde quickly dispersed.

"Is it finally a victory?" Clark looked at the charred remains before him, but something still felt off.

Crack, crack, crack...

The black zombie body slowly split open, and several slender antennae crawled out, followed by a pair of wings gradually spreading out, resembling a butterfly about to emerge from its cocoon.

However, this wasn't a butterfly; it was a thoroughly monstrous creature. Besides the antennae and wings, the core of this creature was none other than the head of the Class C zombie from earlier.

In other words, it was a head with wings and antennae!

"What on earth is this thing?"

"Monster, monster!"

"Do zombies evolve as well?" Clark couldn't understand what was happening; he felt that this creature before him was subverting his understanding.

 All he could conclude was that it was an evolution, discarding the body and retaining only the head.


The monster evolved from the Class C zombie flapped its wings a few times and flew up, then quickly charged towards an alliance warrior.

The speed was so fast that there was no time for a reaction.

The alliance warrior facing the monster offered no resistance. Although he held a gun, he didn't fire and was directly impaled. Blood and flesh flew immediately.

The monster burrowed into the body of the alliance warrior, and then a head emerged from the wound. It seemed to be able to control the body, took a few steps, and then flew out again, looking disdainful, as if it was very dissatisfied with the body.

"This thing is looking for a host!" Clark immediately realized what was happening when he saw the scene. At the same time, the monster also targeted Clark and flew directly towards him.

At this moment, Clark understood why the warrior earlier had no reaction. Staring at the monster's eyes, Clark found himself unable to move. It seemed that the monster could control the thoughts of others through eye contact.

"Oh no, can't move!" Clark tried everything to regain control of his body but failed. He couldn't even bite his tongue.

As the monster approached him, about to make another hole in his body, a red figure suddenly appeared in front of Clark, blocking the way between him and the monster.

"Get lost!" A contemptuous roar!

The monster was sent flying through the air like a leaf blown away by the wind, spinning several times before stabilizing its body.

This creature, evolved from a Class C zombie, seemed greatly disturbed and frightened. It remained motionless for quite some time.

"Sophia?" Clark looked at the red-clad girl in front of him in confusion.

Unexpectedly, she softened and leaned against him. Sophia had fallen into a deep sleep.

Trying to ask her anything further was now impossible!

Clark quickly picked up Sophia and ran towards the cave entrance. The monster reacted again and dove towards Clark, intending to take his life.

However, at that moment, a laser shot through the right wing of the monster, piercing through and creating a fist-sized hole. The sound of a machine roared from the sky.

Looking up, Clark saw a small airship arriving, and the laser had come from there.

"Reinforcements are here!" Michael immediately recognized the airship with the alliance's prominent logo on it.

The airship hovered for a while before continuing its attack.

 Several lasers were directly fired at the monster. The creature struggled briefly, attempting to counterattack, but under the relentless assault of the lasers, it had no chance or effect. Finally realizing its defeat, it turned to escape. 

However, as it flew in the sky, a laser from behind struck it, turning it into ashes.

The monster that had almost taken Clark's life moments ago was utterly powerless in front of the airship. In this post-apocalyptic world, the level of advanced weaponry often determined life or death.

The airship slowly descended, creating a whirlwind around it, lifting dust into the air. It seemed as if everything that had just happened was a dream. Clark, holding Sophia, silently watched everything unfold.

Here, tranquility could instantly turn into chaos, and similarly, a moment of resistance for survival could revert to calmness.

As the airship landed, Clark finally got a clear view of its appearance. Larger than a small bus, it had a boat-shaped design with wings on both sides equipped with jet devices for takeoff and landing. 

On the top, there was a laser cannon larger than the micro-particle cannon Michael had used earlier, and a small drone-like sphere circled above, monitoring everything.

The door of the airship opened, and a young man stepped out. 

Dressed in the uniform of the alliance captain, he had a tall and straight figure, golden hair, and a face that didn't resemble that of a Westerner. His sharp eyes exuded confidence as he walked with a somewhat arrogant demeanor.

"Why is it him?" Michael recognized the newcomer's identity, and his expression soured.

"Who is he?" Clark had been observing the man since he descended from the airship. The man only glanced at Clark once and didn't pay him any further attention.

"Matthew, the special captain of the alliance's eastern war zone. His position is equivalent to that of total commanders like Charles, and their relationship is quite good... with many tangled interests!" Michael spoke in a deliberately low voice, indicating the complexity of the relationships within the alliance.

Clark remained silent. His first impression of Matthew was not favorable, and being an outsider to the alliance, he had no interest in their internal complications.

"You guys are really useless!" After Matthew surveyed the cave entrance, he contemptuously uttered these words.