

"Matthew, I've already reported the general situation to you in advance. We've used all available supplies for resistance. Please send someone to evacuate the refugees here quickly!" Michael hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Matthew stared at him for a while without responding. Instead, he turned around, tilted his head, and looked at Clark.

"You're the troublemaker?" Matthew said disdainfully.

"Troublemaker?" Clark felt a chill. He was being deliberately targeted! This guy, upon arrival, without asking for any details, denied all the facts of resistance and labeled him as a troublemaker. What was he up to?

"Sorry, you might have mistaken me for someone else!" Clark looked up at Matthew. "I'm just doing my best to save the people here. As for what you call destruction, I don't know what your definition is!"

The two stared at each other. Ten alliance soldiers descended from the airship, each well-equipped and with more advanced gear than Michael and his group.

These ten people automatically positioned themselves behind Matthew in a semicircle, seemingly ready to encircle Clark.

"Don't get excited; there must be a misunderstanding!" Michael hurriedly limped over. After the recent battle, his injured leg was bleeding, making it difficult for him to stand.

He had hoped for a moment of calm after dealing with the evolved zombie, but unexpectedly, Matthew arrived and immediately targeted Clark, even showing signs of taking action.

"I understand. You want to take me down and then clear Charles' name?" Clark chuckled. He had guessed Matthew's intentions to a large extent. "Unfortunately, everyone knows what that guy has done. No matter how much you try to clear his name, it's probably impossible!"

"You bastard, dare to slander the alliance!" Matthew directly cursed and signaled the people behind him to take action.

Immediately, someone produced a pair of laser handcuffs to arrest Clark.

"Matthew, you can't do this!" Michael shouted, almost falling.

Matthew glanced at Michael, sneering. How dare he disobey his orders with that condition!

"Get someone to release Charles and then capture this man and the girl for me. I want to interrogate him thoroughly. He has an unknown background, and his strength is not weak. Such a person is undoubtedly suspicious!" Matthew gave a direct order.

Clark's hand had quietly reached for the dagger tucked at his back. He would not be taken without a fight.

"Uh-oh! Captain!" Just at that moment, an alliance soldier rushed out of the cave, calling for help loudly.

"Quick, we need help! Several zombie worms have burrowed into the fortress and are devouring people inside. Hurry to rescue them!"


"How could zombie worms get into the fortress when it's so sturdy?"

Hearing this news, everyone, except Matthew, was surprised.

"A bunch of useless people. What's the big deal with a few zombie worms? I can easily wipe them all out!" Matthew said disdainfully.

"Matthew, please take action quickly. Charles is still inside!" Michael shouted loudly.

Matthew hesitated for a moment but eventually took action and headed into the cave. He gave orders to the two people he brought with him, "Keep an eye on him. If anyone tries to take advantage and free him, treat them as betraying the alliance!"

After giving the orders, he led everyone, except Michael, into the cave, carrying heavy weapons. At the entrance, Clark stood in place, Michael's leg still bleeding, and the two alliance soldiers brought by Matthew stared at Clark without saying a word, creating a tense atmosphere.

Sounds of explosions and fighting continuously echoed from inside the cave, breaking the silence.

Michael's expression kept changing, and finally, as if making a decision, he looked at Clark with some regret. "This is all I can do to help you."

As he spoke, two walnut-sized objects flew out of his wrist at incredible speed and reached the two alliance soldiers. Simultaneously, a white mist sprayed out.

The people left behind by Matthew, upon inhaling the white mist, immediately collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"This is my lifesaving method. I didn't expect it would save you today," Michael smiled bitterly. "Take the girl and leave. Go as far as you can. I won't be able to hold on for much longer."

Clark looked at Michael, unsure of what to say.

At first, he didn't have a very good impression of this man, but as they gradually got to know each other, he realized that this guy, though a bit smooth-talking, could be trusted when it mattered.

"If I just leave like this, I'm afraid you'll be in big trouble!" Clark hesitated.

"Ha ha, what can he do to me?" Michael said, then gripped his broken leg, pulled it directly, and the mechanical prosthetic leg fell to the ground. The broken leg was already bleeding profusely. "See, I'm a useless person. This is how it is for the rest of my life. Helping you is considered a good deed, worthy of Captain Lu!"

Michael smiled indifferently.

"Take this, it's all the equipment I have!" Michael threw a heavy container the size of a lunchbox to Clark. "Hope we have a chance to meet again!"

Upon hearing Michael's words, Clark didn't waste time, picked up Sophia, and ran towards the distance.

Because of the fight with the zombie horde earlier, he had forgotten about the passage of time. Now, looking up at the sky, a blood-red hue hung on the horizon. It should be late afternoon. Clark wondered if the red glow was caused by the recent fire, making him feel a bit uneasy.

Clark ran all the way, not knowing how long or how far he had run until he was exhausted and finally stopped.

Clark opened the container, revealing several weapons and a sensor belt. He used the sensor belt to tie Sophia to his back, equipped himself with the weapons, and then discarded the container. He couldn't afford to carry heavy things now.

In addition to binding items, the sensor belt could also detect nearby zombie hordes and sound an alarm if there were any. Clark jogged again, covering some distance before stopping once more.

Beep beep beep...

The sensor belt on him started to alarm.

"Damn it, encountering a zombie horde at this time!" Clark turned off the alarm, looked around, contemplating whether to change direction and leave. After all, with Sophia in tow, he wasn't willing to take unnecessary risks.


System task issued, please proceed immediately to rescue the third distressed beauty within five hundred meters!"

The system's voice suddenly sounded.

"No mood!" Clark dismissed it with a sentence. After taking a few steps, he quickly realized, "System, quickly give me a reward!"

In his current state, Clark indeed needed skills.

"System reward, first, Hundred Steps Divine Movement, can walk ten kilometers in one breath, one-time use; second, Universal Repair Hand, can repair any damaged machinery, one-time skill use!"

The system directly issued the rewards and fell silent.

"Can't you give me some useful skills, like being invincible in the world, that would be great!" Clark complained, but the system remained unresponsive.