Alpha wolf

Knowing that words were useless, he had already taken steps towards the zombie horde.

 Just a hundred or two meters forward, Clark could already hear the sounds of combat. 

Clark continued forward, pulling out his weapon. When he got close enough, he saw a mechanical device resembling a locomotive parked in the middle of the forest. 

There were traces of cannon fire all around, and flames were still burning in some places. The machine was visibly damaged, full of holes.

Two women were standing in front of the machine, fighting against a group of zombies. One was plump, with an exaggerated physique, short hair, and muscular all over, lacking the typical grace of a woman. She was carrying a heavy weapon, continuously firing at the zombie horde.

 The other woman was slender, wearing a white dress and looking about twenty years old. Although she also held a laser gun, she didn't attack much. The two stood back to back, preventing zombies from ambushing them.

Despite having weapons, it seemed these two women wouldn't last much longer in the current situation.

What surprised Clark the most was that the zombie horde attacking these women wasn't human; it was a group of zombie gray wolves, numbering about a dozen. 

After zombification, their size resembled that of a small cow, with sharp teeth and wolf claws, leaving distinct marks on the machine.

On the ground, there were some dismembered body parts, likely the remains of victims recently slaughtered by the wolf pack.

"Encountering a wolf pack, trouble!" Clark thought to himself. Wolves were not easy to deal with in his memory—coordinated in action, highly mobile, and incredibly durable. In certain environments, they were perfect killers.

Now, these gray wolves had not only become larger but also turned into zombies, making them even more challenging to handle.

Clark lurked nearby, contemplating a strategy. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he focused on the largest gray wolf.

This one must be the wolf king!

Any wolf pack had a leader, and once the leader was eliminated, the pack lost its core, making it much easier to deal with!

With the target confirmed, Clark quietly approached, getting closer to the wolf pack. 

He didn't expect to get close to the wolf king's body; wolves had extremely sensitive senses of smell, and they could detect scents from a distance. He had another plan!

"Miss, can't hold on much longer! I failed to protect you, I'm sorry!" Short-haired Mia spoke with a tone of sorrow and frustration.

"Mia, don't blame yourself. It's just our bad luck, not your fault!" Isabella smiled, not blaming her companion.

The wolf king stood at the outermost edge of the encirclement, commanding the attack. Whether it understood Mia's words or sensed her predicament, it howled triumphantly, showing a hint of satisfaction.

The wolf pack became even more excited, launching a fierce attack.

Mia desperately fired, but most bullets were dodged by the zombie gray wolves. Occasionally hitting one didn't cost them their lives, as other wolves quickly filled the gap.

The encirclement was gradually closing in.

"Now's the time!"

Clark, hiding in the distance, seized the opportune moment when the wolf king was gloating. He took out a pen-like object, pressed a button, and several laser beams converged into a powerful light arrow. Like a dart, it shot out. 

Clark quickly threw away his weapon, which melted into molten iron due to the high temperature.

This was a one-time-use weapon – the laser arrow!

The laser arrow shot directly towards the wolf king. In its moment of triumph, the wolf king instinctively sensed danger, turned its head, and the laser arrow cut off its tail!


The zombie wolf king howled in pain, staring at its still wriggling tail on the ground, its entire face contorted.


The wolf king looked up, howling at the sky.

All the wolves ceased their attacks, rushing to the side of the wolf king. They stared directly at Clark.

Seeing that he hadn't succeeded and had already exposed himself, Clark decided to step forward.


Another howl, the wolf king issued a death command – kill Clark!

Feeling the icy gaze of the zombie wolf king, Clark showed no fear. From the moment he took action, he had his own plan.


The wolf king commanded, and all the zombie gray wolves pounced towards Clark, quickly surrounding him. Tracking, besieging, and hunting were what wolves excelled at – tormenting their prey until the last moment, relishing in the enjoyment.

Tat tat tat!

Just as the wolf pack prepared to attack Clark, the isolated wolf king was directly assaulted from behind by someone else! Mia didn't want to miss this excellent opportunity. 

Seizing the opening, she launched the most powerful attack on the wolf king.

The zombie gray wolf king was already injured, and with its attention focused entirely on Clark, it momentarily forgot about the formidable woman behind it. The laser didn't cause significant damage, but more importantly, several incendiary rounds, accompanying the laser, hit its body and immediately entered the wounds.

Bang bang bang!

Several bloody craters exploded on the zombie gray wolf king's body, revealing bones beneath.


The wolf king howled in agony, and the wolf pack started to panic.

"Now's the time!"

Clark ran directly towards Mia and Isabella. He bet right – he was confident that Mia would take the opportunity to attack the wolf king. 

It had nothing to do with whether he knew her or not. 

In this situation, survival was everyone's priority, and no one would pass up such a chance!

While the wolf pack was in disarray, Clark had already broken out of the encirclement, deliberately avoiding the wolf king, and headed towards the massive mechanical device.

"Coward, thought a hero had arrived, turns out you're just afraid of death!" Mia said with some disdain.

In the moment when Clark stepped forward, Mia actually admired the man. 

However, as soon as she took action, diverting the attention of the wolf pack, he seized the opportunity to escape. Indeed, men were not to be trusted!

Mia reinforced her negative perception, simultaneously sneering at Clark while fiercely firing to fend off the wolf pack's assault.