Mysterious Organization

"How could there be zombies here?" Clark was puzzled. The tunnel they entered was filled with weapons, the surrounding walls were fortified, even on the water's surface, there were armed patrol boats. It seemed impossible for such low-level zombies to get in!

"Anthony, is there a problem with the defense?" Isabella's expression turned uneasy. Although she wasn't well-versed in security matters, she had to inquire as Anthony was the one in charge.

Anthony's face showed some embarrassment, as if he had made a rookie mistake. At the same time, a rare hint of nervousness appeared in his eyes.

"Defend! Get rid of these filthy things!" Anthony commanded.

Two armored vehicles rolled out from either side of the plaza. These tracked vehicles resembled tanks, but their cannon barrels were not long. Each had two cannons on both sides, suggesting they were mainly for defense.

The two armored vehicles formed a figure-eight pattern around the ordinary zombies and opened fire. Flames quickly turned the zombies into ashes.

"Hmph!" Anthony snorted and, with a change in his facial expression, smiled at Isabella. "Isabella, my dear, rest assured. With me around, this place is perfectly safe."

"You didn't go to deal with the zombies yourself, so spare us the grandiose words!" Mia mocked.

"Mia, that's enough!" Isabella, somewhat annoyed, reprimanded Mia, silencing her.

Clark, initially planning to leave with Sophia, was halted by Isabella.

Isabella dismissed Anthony.

Clark asked Mia to help take Sophia back to their room.

"I have some information about Black Claw," Isabella spoke up once she ensured no one else was around.

"That's great!" Clark was unusually pleased. Since coming here, he had asked Isabella to help investigate information about Black Claw, and after waiting for days, he finally received a response.

"The information is limited, but I hope it proves useful to you," Isabella said somewhat apologetically. "Black Claw is very mysterious, unlike our organization, Company Brown, which is purely involved in trade. It has a more complex structure and purpose."

"Where your friend has been sold to, I just can't find out. Even in the entire Eastern Theater, Black Claw is a mysterious organization. It only appears when there's a need for a trade, and only they can find you; you can't find them!" Isabella revealed the bits of information she knew.

"But aren't there supposed to be so-called ears lurking in many places?" Clark inquired.

"Yes, but the ears in a dormant state are almost impossible to detect. Even if there are Black Claw's ears here, we have no way of finding them!" Isabella said with some helplessness. "When Black Claw wants to trade with you, besides the ears you know about, there's another character that will appear—Alex. The appearance of this character indicates that Black Claw is about to take action."

"Alex!" Clark murmured, gaining further insight into the organization known as Black Claw.

After their conversation, Clark returned to the room only to find Sophia missing. Despite searching for a while, there were no clues. He had to seek Isabella's help.

Isabella initiated a search, but Sophia was still nowhere to be found.

"How could she suddenly disappear? I clearly brought her to the room just now!" Mia blamed herself, trying hard to recall the situation.

"This girl is playful; she might have run out on her own." Clark, not wanting Mia to feel embarrassed, offered an explanation.

After another round of searching, someone reported that Sophia had been found.

Everyone rushed over and discovered her in the food storage of all places! Sophia was sitting alone on a box of canned goods, happily eating and holding a jar of caviar. On the ground, there were some opened food items scattered.

As Clark approached, he realized these were top-notch ingredients, all rare and valuable. How did this girl manage to find her way here?

"You're causing trouble!" Clark snatched the jar of caviar from Sophia's hand, expressing his anger.

"Ah!" Sophia exclaimed, reaching out to snatch it back, but Clark lightly tapped her hand. She withdrew her hand with a look of grievance, seemingly on the verge of tears.

"Just let her eat it!" Isabella, seeing Sophia in this state, softened her stance and suggested giving it to her.

"Sorry for the trouble." Clark handed the jar back to Sophia and then led her back to the room.

Feeling Clark's genuine anger, Sophia, after taking the jar, simply tossed it aside. Pouting, she followed behind Clark, not daring to speak.

"You really know how to get into trouble!" After returning to the room, Clark's anger had subsided, but he still maintained a serious demeanor.

"I just smelled that delicious scent and wanted to eat it!" Sophia, feeling a bit embarrassed, knew she had caused trouble for Clark.

"Alright, tomorrow we'll leave this place. We can't keep causing trouble for others!" Clark made his decision. 

After Isabella provided information about Black Claw, he had already considered leaving. Staying longer didn't make much sense. Despite Isabella being polite, he was still an outsider, and prolonged stay would be awkward.

So, taking advantage of Sophia's mischievous act, it was time to leave.

Clark shared his decision with Isabella, who didn't insist on him staying. After exchanging a few courteous words, she arranged for some food and supplies to be prepared for Clark.

Isabella's consideration was thorough, and she even specially gave Clark a small armored vehicle that could accommodate two people, with solar charging capabilities, though it had no offensive capabilities. Nevertheless, it was already quite good.

Early the next morning, Clark, accompanied by Sophia, arrived at the plaza ready to depart in the small armored vehicle.

However, Mia suddenly ran over, grabbing the car door and preventing Clark from leaving.

"What's wrong?" Clark looked at Mia, puzzled about what she intended to do.

"Don't leave for now; I have something to tell you." Mia glanced around, appearing somewhat nervous and cautious.

"I don't want to get involved in the conflict between you and Anthony!" Clark said directly. Mia and Anthony had a feud, and Isabella had a slight fondness for Anthony. While their relationship wasn't explicitly romantic, there was a hint of something, and Clark didn't want to be a third wheel.

"Alex has appeared!" Mia lowered her voice, speaking almost inaudibly.

"Where?" Clark got excited immediately, ready to take action.

"Don't be hasty!" Mia looked around, then gave Clark a significant look. "Get in the car and I'll tell you."

Clark opened the car door, allowing Mia to get in. He then sent Sophia to the back cargo area.

"Speak!" Clark lowered his voice, not wanting to attract attention.

"Alex has indeed appeared here. I have my intelligence, but you won't be able to find him, not even I can!" Mia took out a sensor, scanned the car interior to ensure no listening devices were present, and then slightly raised her voice. "Do you think you can survive for long?"

"What do you mean?" Clark suddenly realized that something was amiss.

"With my understanding of that scoundrel Anthony, he will surely use means. Shortly after you leave here, you'll encounter an ambush, either arranged by his people or a zombie horde. In any case, the goal is to take your life!" Mia revealed.