
Mia's expression turned disgusted when she heard Anthony's name.

"Why would he do this?" Clark asked in confusion. While he also felt that Anthony was overly enthusiastic, even pretending, he had no interactions with him and no reason for animosity. Why would Anthony want his life?

"Perhaps he doesn't want any information about this place to leak out!" Mia said to herself. "I didn't think much about it before, but when the Land Bull suddenly malfunctioned, it raised suspicions for me. Later, I checked and found that someone intentionally implanted a virus in the Land Bull's program, trapping me and the miss, almost costing us our lives!"

"Why are you telling me all this?" Clark stared at Mia. He didn't think he had a particularly good relationship with her, so why would she tell him all this for no reason?

"Don't rush to conclusions!" Mia seemed to have anticipated Clark's reaction. "Yesterday, when you saw those zombies, why did they suddenly appear in the square? Have you ever thought about it? The defense here is so tight, how did a few ordinary zombies get in?"

Clark nodded; he had suspected this yesterday.

"You cannot leave. One, for the sake of your and this girl's lives, and two, for the miss to return alive to her master!" Mia spoke with some indignation. "The miss is just too naive, always thinking Anthony is a good person and not listening to me."

"Why did you show up here? There's something you haven't told me!" Clark pressed Mia for an answer based on his intuition.

Mia hesitated for a moment.

"I don't know the specific details, but I'll tell you what I know. After the major disaster, most people and animals turned into zombies. Survivors fought against zombies and discovered that zombies actually have many abilities. If these abilities could be harnessed, a new world might be created! So, people started researching taming zombies, but it was eventually found to be impossible. There was a scientist who proposed a bold idea: if we couldn't tame zombies, why not give humans the abilities of zombies? So, a series of experiments were conducted, such as implanting zombie flesh into normal humans. However, all the experiments failed, and normal people all turned into zombies!" Mia said with some regret. "The alliance issued a ban, freezing all similar experiments. But some city-states and individuals continued such experiments privately."

"He he, fool!" Sophia, hiding in the back of the cargo area, sneered.

"Later, a scientist came up with a daring hypothesis: since it's impossible to tame zombies, why not give humans the abilities of zombies? So, a series of experiments were conducted, such as implanting zombie flesh into normal humans. However, all the experiments failed, and normal people all turned into zombies!" Mia said with some regret. "The alliance issued a ban, freezing all similar experiments. But some city-states and individuals continued such experiments privately."

"Don't tell me you're also involved in such things?" Clark suddenly felt disgusted.

"We are not, but unexpectedly, we obtained a document related to this technology." Mia sighed, as if she had struggled with her thoughts before finally speaking. "Perhaps, this is the reason why Alex appeared here! Anything can happen next. I hope you can stay and help me protect the miss!"

Both parties fell into silence, with neither speaking again.

"I can agree to stay, but you have to help me catch this 'Alex.' I want to save my friend!" Clark declared firmly.

"Agreed!" Mia smiled.

"Just a bit awkward. I had already bid farewell to Miss White, and now I'm not leaving." Clark felt a bit embarrassed.

"That's not a problem!" Mia said nonchalantly, picking up a communicator. "Quick, someone come here! This guy is suspected of stealing important items. Arrest him!"

As soon as she finished speaking, several armored vehicles rushed out, surrounding Clark. Mia got off the car triumphantly and left.

Clark and Sophia were then taken to a room and kept under guard.

"I've been tricked!" Clark felt bitter, but he also knew that explaining wouldn't help. He could only follow along.

"You're so silly, suffering losses, serves you right for meddling!" Sophia, with her mouth full of food, mocked Clark.

"Shut up!" Clark looked at Sophia, finding her both amusing and irritating, but he didn't bother arguing with her.

With a creak, the door opened.

Isabella walked in.

Clark and her exchanged glances, both feeling a bit awkward.

"Miss..." Clark didn't know what to say.

"It's Mia causing trouble. I'll have someone release you right away!" Isabella seemed to know what had happened and didn't press Clark for details. She was about to let them go.

"Did you have any contact with Alex?" Clark asked.

Isabella looked at Clark in confusion, not understanding why he suddenly brought this up.

"Did Mia deceive me?" Clark's heart skipped a beat, feeling suspicious. "Or maybe bring Mia here!"

"I don't know where she went. She disappeared just now," Isabella said, not aware of Mia's whereabouts. "As for what you mentioned about us having contact with Alex, absolutely not!"

Hearing Isabella's confident denial, Clark didn't want to press further.

At that moment, Isabella's communicator received a message.

"Miss, come to the square quickly. Something happened to Mia!"

"Mia!" Isabella exclaimed, immediately turning and rushing out.

Clark followed, bringing Sophia along.

On the square, a crowd had gathered.

As Isabella arrived, everyone automatically made way for her.

In the middle of the crowd lay a person, surrounded by bloodstains. The body had already deformed, indicating a fall from a height, resulting in a fatal injury.

"Mia, how could this happen!" Isabella cried out in shock, tears streaming down her face.

Clark, walking behind Isabella, reached out and pulled her back, preventing her from approaching, fearing there might be danger.

At this moment, Clark was also surprised. Mia, who had just been talking to him, how could she suddenly fall from above and die? He looked up at the sky pit; did Mia just go up there?

Who could have thrown her down from above?