
Previously, Mia might have had a bad temper, but she wouldn't directly resort to killing. 

However, the current Mia had transformed in Clark's eyes into someone who could easily kill a guard without hesitation, and possibly him as well.

"He he, didn't you come up to investigate the secret?" Mia laughed and said, "The biggest secret here is that no one can leave alive."

Having said that, Mia raised her handgun, aiming it at Clark, and had already squeezed the trigger.

However, just before her finger exerted the final pressure, Mia's body twisted.

A dagger had plunged directly into her heart.

Clark acted first!

To survive in this post-apocalyptic world, there couldn't be too many reservations. Killing, self-defense, it was all instinct. Failure to embrace it would only lead to death!

Clark had no choice!

Mia staggered backward, her face showing signs of pain.

But what puzzled Clark was that there was not a drop of blood on her body.

The dagger remained lodged in her heart. She struggled for a few moments, unable to move or muster any strength. 

Eventually, the handgun slipped from her hand, and she collapsed to the ground. Her eyes remained open, but her breath was gone.

"Sorry," Clark felt uneasy, walking over to Mia's side. This should be considered his first time taking a life.

 While he had killed many zombies before, he had gradually accepted the necessity of killing. However, taking a human life brought a sense of guilt.

However, just as he was reproaching himself, Mia's body underwent a change.

Mia's entire body began to disintegrate piece by piece. Limbs, head, everything started falling off, making thudding sounds as the superficial skin fell away, revealing a metallic interior.

"This was never a person?" Clark realized that what he had just killed wasn't Mia at all, and it wasn't human!

In the end, Mia's body completely disassembled. The dagger was embedded in a metallic core, and it was this core that controlled the other parts, creating the appearance of Mia that Clark had seen!

"This doesn't even look like a robot. So many parts, as if it was forcefully assembled, somewhat similar to the 3D printing technology I know."

Clark pulled out the dagger, looking at the pile of parts, sinking into deeper concern.

After descending in the elevator, Clark immediately informed Isabella and Anthony about what had happened above.

Upon seeing the pile of parts, Isabella couldn't hold back her tears.

Anthony, on the other hand, had a disdainful expression.

"Here, no one dares to play these tricks with me!" Anthony snorted coldly, his expression only briefly surprised before returning to his usual arrogance.

"I want you to tell the truth. Have you had any contact with the underground?" Clark directly asked Anthony in front of Isabella, hoping he would be honest.

"No!" Anthony seemed a bit displeased. "You have no right to inquire about these matters. An outsider needs to know what to ask and what not to, or there will be consequences!"

"Anthony, he's my friend!" Isabella, seeing Anthony's words were a bit too much, quickly spoke up.

Clark, on the other hand, didn't care at all. Anthony didn't make him feel threatened; this man before him only made him uncomfortable with his words and attitude.

"This involves the secrets of the company. If you cross the line again, I'll make you behave!" After saying this, Anthony turned and left.

"Don't mind him; he's responsible for everyone here..." Isabella explained for Anthony, but her voice was low and lacked confidence.

"No problem!" Clark walked towards his and Sophia's room.

At this time, there were occasional boats on the underground river, transporting goods. Inside the tunnel, there were the mechanical sounds of engines, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Due to his identity, Clark couldn't directly ask where these goods came from or where they were being transported to. However, from his observations over the past few days and Isabella's conversations, he learned that Everland City belonged to the Eastern Front. 

The entire Eastern Front had many city-states and strongholds, and Company Brown was responsible for the supply transport to these places. This location was a hub for resources.

"Hey, I'm back!" Clark opened the door but didn't find Sophia.

"Where could she be at this hour?" Clark waited in the room for a while, but when Sophia didn't return, he went out to look for her. After several unsuccessful searches, he sensed that something was wrong and immediately informed Isabella.

It was late at night, and after a round of searching, Clark was already tired. However, with Sophia missing, he was extremely anxious and could only ask Isabella to mobilize people to search.

However, to his disappointment, the search party found nothing. It was as if Sophia had vanished into thin air; there was no trace of her at all.

"Why can't we find her?" Clark was very anxious. Sophia had always been with him, and although mischievous at times, her sudden disappearance made Clark feel almost breathless.

 He genuinely worried that something unfortunate might have happened to her.

"Don't be too anxious. I've had people checking everywhere. We're inspecting all incoming and outgoing vehicles and goods. She can't have left; she must still be here!" Isabella said with confidence.

Clark sighed and could only accept the reality. He asked Isabella to continue sending people to search for Sophia. If she was still here, they had to find her. If not, there was little else they could do.

Unconsciously, it was already dawn. Clark, feeling tired, took a short rest.


A muffled sound echoed from the square.

"Oh no, someone's dead!"

Someone shouted loudly.

Clark was awakened by the outside commotion and quickly went out. A crowd had gathered in the square.

"What's going on?" Clark walked over and asked.

"Somebody fell from above and died, exactly like Mia did before!"

Clark then saw a young man lying on the ground, facing the sky, limbs twisted, lifeless. The location was indeed where Mia had fallen before.

"Everyone, move away! Mind your own business!" Anthony, leading the way, directly dispersed the crowd.

"You go back too; it's none of your concern!" Anthony seemed very displeased.