Strange Thief Steven

"What is this?" Clark saw the white light curtain and remembered the barrier formed by the four light pillars during the day.

"My place has been neglected for a long time. Occasionally, a few mice come in to steal some food, and that's fine. But if they eavesdrop on my little secrets, it's not good!" Mark laughed and walked at the front.

"Haha, the old man is really funny!" Sophia bounced along behind Mark.

At this moment, Clark felt a very relaxed feeling. This man didn't comfort him or do anything special. With just a few simple words, he relieved most of the pressure on himself. It seemed that at this moment, he didn't need to think about anything, just follow along and enjoy the good food.

The group walked into the storage room behind the shop, filled with merchandise. Mark cleared off a table, invited the three to sit down, and then brought some snacks to put on the table.

Sophia kept eating.