
"Hey, you actually recognize me," Steven said with a masked face, but it was evident that he was genuinely happy, judging by his laughter.

"What are you doing here? There are surveillance cameras everywhere! Isabella said with some concern.

"Don't worry, Isabella. I'm here to help you. Rest assured, I tampered with the surveillance just now, and it won't cause you any trouble anymore," Steven reassured. As he spoke, he stood up and made a gentlemanly gesture, bowing to Isabella.

Taking a step back, Isabella seemed wary of any man's actions other than Clark. "I'm a friend of Mark," Steven quickly clarified in response to Isabella's reaction.

"How is Mark?" Isabella finally asked.

"Because of your visit, he's naturally attracted the attention of Donald's people. If we don't create a diversion, he might be captured," Steven explained, unintentionally adding to the misunderstanding between Clark and Isabella.