Brothers, return to your home

"Damn it, this landing spot wasn't chosen well!" Kevin also stood up, but his luck wasn't as good as Clark's. He landed on a rock, causing him some injuries.

The others gathered around.

Daniel and his sister activated their abilities, creating shields to protect themselves, sustaining no injuries. Richard, during the landing, flew up and landed on a tree, uninjured.

"As long as we're all alive," Kevin gritted his teeth, refusing to utter a word of pain.

"Be careful, this isn't Sky City. There are dangers everywhere you least expect!" Kevin reminded them, having been here once before and losing all his team members, knowing well the terror and danger of this place.

No one dared to take his words lightly; they all tensed up.

Clark gripped the dagger tightly in his hand, ready to respond to any sudden developments.

Kevin looked around, trying to recall and then chose a direction, leading the team.