The Most Beautiful Female Prisoner

Clark quickly returned to his previous appearance. At this moment, although he looked different from normal people, he was far better than the appearance of a zombie.


"Layla, is that guy dead?" Jacob stuck out his little head, curious, but afraid to walk over.


"He should be alive, but I don't know how he did it. He managed to kill those two zombies," Layla said, looking at the blown-up corpse of the zombie next to Clark, cautiously approaching him.


"Hey, you!" Layla tried calling out.


"Hmm?" Clark turned around, surprised to see Layla not taking the opportunity to escape, but he didn't pay attention to her. Instead, he took out the Eternal Compass. 


The direction it pointed was correct, but there was nothing around. Was Olivia really here?


"Are you okay?" Layla asked again, probing.