Chapter 11: Operational preparations

  Lieutenant General Luo Tian frowned, his index finger gently tapping the desktop, and after about half a minute of contemplation, he raised his head to look at his general staff and asked, "Old Tang, how feasible do you think this plan is."

  To his left, an army major with black-framed glasses and around forty years old replied, "We've never tried this kind of thing before, and there are no foreign cases we can refer to, so the feasibility can't be estimated."

  He then spoke again, "However, I think it can be tried."

  "What is your opinion?" The Commander-in-Chief didn't forget to ask about Li Xue's opinion.

  "Report, I just communicated with Ayrin again, and according to her, as long as I can send Keleia there before she crosses the borderline, she has a hundred percent chance of me intercepting Keleia and guaranteeing that the Yellow Star is safe and sound!"

  Luo Tian nodded and hung up the communication. "Old Luo, what do you say?" Old Tang asked.

  "I agree with this plan, but we still need to apply to the very top. That kind of strategic weapon at the level of extermination is usually fine to be called to fly up and practice, I wouldn't dare to let her fly towards the border." Luo Tian replied with a smile.

  "Old Tang, go contact Chu Zhongtian, I remember that the 'Great White Goose' is hanging bombs at his place right now, right? Let him prepare for this first." After saying that, he took the red landline on the right side of the table that was directly connected to the highest level and reported to the top.

  "Has your general agreed?" On the helicopter, Erin turned to Li Xue. "I don't know, stay put." After Li Xue finished speaking, he didn't say anything, but directly picked up the Yellow Star's scimitar on the ground and placed it in front of his eyes to scrutinize it.

  "Guangping, you read a lot, what is going on now?" Li You patted Wang Guangping in the evening and asked.

  "How do I know? I reckon this can't be small, but I'm now more concerned about how Old Huang is doing."

  "Old Huang should be fine, I just went and looked, although his single soldier armor is in a completely offline state, it should be that the electronic system is completely ruined, but the other party has captured him, they should want a hostage, either they are under control or they are still fainting."

  Tian Wu heard their discussion and interjected, "What do you guys think is going on with that pretty girl next to the company commander? I've never seen the Company Commander being so pleasant to anyone."

  "From my experience, I'm afraid the company commander has fallen under someone else's pomegranate skirt, look at that smile, it's exactly the same as when I went to college and just chased down our class flower." At this time, another voice interjected, it was that guy Li Heng.

  "Tsk! You didn't see the rings on their hands! A pair of ah! It's simply ..."

  But before Li Heng could finish, a kettle flew over and smashed on his head, "Boom!" The sound of the hollow kettle hitting his head spread throughout the cabin.

  Afterwards, Li Xue's voice rang out, "You four still have the energy to chat here, go back and turn off the power system of the single soldier armor for me, and wear it to run through five kilometers of cross-country!"

When Li Heng interrupted like this, the original tense atmosphere relaxed a bit.

  Eileen looked at the scene in front of her with uncertainty and looked at Li Xue, "What happened?" "Nothing, those little brats have itchy skins and want to practice extra hard."

  "I can see that the warriors in your team are all very close." Ayrin said softly, "An army like this must have a strong fighting strength, right?"

  "That's for sure! To us, comrades in arms are family! And we're the most powerful army in this world." Just as Li Xue was about to say something else, the command order came.

  "Aye! Guarantee to complete the mission!" Thirty seconds later, Li Xue replied loudly. Then he turned his head to Ayrin and said, "Command has approved it, the operation will begin in fifteen minutes, and I will carry it out with you as your correspondent."

  Chu Zhongtian looked at the mission briefing that was still warm from the fax machine he had just taken out, and his eyebrows directly condensed into a Chuan shape.

  He took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down. The mission description on top of this briefing could only be described as nonsense in his opinion, but this briefing was again from the theater command.

  Chu Zhongtian shook his head, he only needed to carry it out, not to question it! Even if it was more bullshit, it had to be accomplished with determination. After saying that, Chu Zhongtian put on his jacket and walked out of the command headquarters, heading towards the distant Boom-15 hangar.

  Old Sun is already forty years old this year, and has been working in the aircrew for twenty years, from the simplest bombing to aircraft repair, he is proficient in everything, and even some of the verification aircraft that are still in the process of development and testing, he has also seen a lot.

But today's scene was something he hadn't really seen before.

  Just three minutes ago, he had just finished maintaining the returning J-25, when the command headquarters sent an urgent order, asking him to find a way to hang two people into the built-in magazine of the Boom-15 in less than ten minutes, and to be able to drop them.

  When he first got the order, he even thought that someone had played a bad joke on him, but the bold red emergency letters on it were something that no one would dare to joke about.

  He didn't have time to consult with the other aircrews, and within three minutes, with the experience he had gained from years of mounting and maintaining the Boom-15, he came up with a specific plan.

  He immediately gathered a few skilled veterans to remove the original mount used to mount hypersonic cruise missiles, and fixed the spare ejection seat belts to it with explosive bolts to complete the simple "manned mount".

  As time was running out, it was too late for him to think about comfort. As long as to ensure that people can safely hang on it, no problem.

  When dropped, under the action of the explosive bolt, the safety belt will fall together with the personnel. And because of the design of the safety belt, it wouldn't affect the person's activities with the additional wearing of a parachute again.

  Just when Lao Sun was still thinking about how to improve the comfort, the two people who needed to hang on as "human cannonballs" had already arrived.

  A small door in the hangar opened, and Li Xue, wearing a single tactical armor, and Irene, wearing an ice-blue battle dress, walked in together.

  The original weapon mount on the back of Li Xue's tactical armor had disappeared, and in its place was a jet flight backpack that could support him for fifteen minutes and a matching parachute backpack.

  The only weapons on his body were the pistol on his waist and the multi-functional tactical dagger on his calf.

  In the plan, Li Xue would board one of the Transport-20 transport planes that went to meet him after Erin, because according to Erin, Kleya did not have the habit of carrying a translation ring, so Li Xue would have to go along as a bridge of communication.

  Irene, on the other hand, is only equipped with a portable "Beidou" positioning system.

  According to her own words, her own set of battle dress is in order to match with the divine machine and built. Not only does it protect against the cold and reduce wind resistance, but it even has a certain amount of defense capability and the ability to increase fighting qi.

  Seeing the two walk in surrounded by several armed guards and some technicians, the doubts in Old Sun's heart deepened.

  He originally thought that this was not a temporary test of some single tactical armor with aerial combat capability, but what they were wearing was just ordinary "Quartet" tactical armor.

  Although he was carrying a jet flight backpack, it could only fly for fifteen minutes and had nothing to do with air combat.

  The blue-haired girl next to him, who didn't even look older than his son, was even worse, and the place where she appeared in that outfit should have been Paris Fashion Week instead of this hangar filled with oil and aviation gasoline.

  And that look at the look is obviously the first time to come to this place, together with her appearance that is obviously not national, if not Chu Zhongtian brought them in, he would have called the guards to arrest people.

  However, although Lao Sun's heart was puzzled, he did not show it, but walked to Chu Zhongtian, performed a standard military salute, and reported loudly to, "Report, the manned mount has been remodeled, please instruct!"

"Mission personnel have arrived, begin mounting immediately." Chu Zhongtian meticulously returned the salute and said. He then turned to Li Xue, patted his shoulder, and said, "Good job! I'll ask for credit for you after the mission is completed once again."

  "Yes! Guarantee to complete the mission." Li Xue said loudly, then turned around and walked towards the work platform.

  "Is this the craft that will carry us?" Looking at the Boom-15 strategic bomber in front of her, which was doing its final checks, Ayrin looked at Li Xue and asked.

  Li Xue nodded slightly and said, "That's right, that's her." Although it had long since not been the first time he had seen it, every time he saw her, Li Xue's heart would be slightly on fire.

  There wasn't a single man who could remain calm when seeing this kind of ultimate violent machine, which was one of the few super strategic weapons in the world that could truly do the job of destroying a country on its own! Now, one could actually go on a mission with him.

  "You guys are actually able to make such a big flying machine fly at such a fast speed, your attainments in flying machines are really amazing!"

  Hearing Ayrin's exclamation, Li Xue asked suspiciously, "Don't you have any?"

  Originally, in Li Xue's speculation, a civilization that was able to build a terrifying weapon like the Divine Machine, whose speed far exceeded that of a normal helicopter and whose defense was comparable to that of a main battle tank, should have a level of technology that far exceeded that of Earth.

  Now it seemed that the actual situation seemed to deviate greatly from the speculation.

  "We have ones that are far bigger and faster than this, but we can't build one that's big and fast." Erin replied.

  "It looks like all the speculative modeling of their civilization from above will have to start over! This tech tree is simply crooked out of the sky." After hearing Ayrin's reply, Li Xue thought in his heart.

  After about five minutes, Li Xue and Ayrin were assisted by a group of staff members to hang onto the cruise missile mount that was like a revolver magazine.

  Ayrin was hooked up to the lowest launching position, while Li Xue was beside him. At the same time, a thoughtful ground crew member placed a small desk lamp next to them, which would be their only source of light for the next twenty minutes of their flight.

  Then another crew member handed Erin a pair of soundproof earplugs, otherwise the roar of the engines in the bomb bay would have been enough to shatter one's eardrums.

  The sound of mechanical friction was heard as the magazine slowly closed, followed by a gentle vibration, and with the loud roar of the engine starting, the superweapon slowly pulled out of the hangar.

  In the fifty-three long years since its predecessor first entered service in that country in 1987, there had only been a few actual combat missions.

  This was simply unimaginable for a weapon that had been in service for half a century. And now, ten years after he had come to this country to settle down, he had finally welcomed his first actual combat mission in this country!

  "White Swan to tower, requesting takeoff!" "Tower received, cleared for takeoff, good luck!"

  Upon hearing the tower's reply, the main pilot slowly pushed the joystick, and the four NK-321 engines upgraded and modified by the 608th erupted with tremendous thrust, pulling out a piercing orange-red tail inflammation and propelling the nearly one hundred and twenty-ton behemoth to glide across the runway.