Chapter 12: The Air Chase

Chu Zhongtian did not return to the command headquarters, but stood in front of the hangar and watched the H-15 bomber that whistled past like a celestial horse wrapped in thunder and storms disappear into the end of the night sky.

  But soon, his brow furrowed. He had seen this fighter take off and land too many times, and this time, not only did it taxi twice the usual distance on the runway, even its climb speed when it lifted off was nearly one-third slower. And with his knowledge of fighter planes, it was obvious that this was intentional on the part of the pilot.

  He was not in charge of this mission, which had been categorized as an actual combat mission, but rather the command was directly responsible for it, and he was only responsible for overseeing the modification of the "manned mounts".

  Therefore, he didn't contact the pilot to inquire about the situation. He just greeted the ground crew and returned to the command headquarters, where there were still a lot of things waiting for him to handle.

  "Boss, what exactly do you think this mission is for? Let's just go and deliver two people like this. And it's also stipulated that the flight altitude can't exceed five thousand meters and the speed can't exceed Mach 1.5, I haven't encountered this kind of situation in all the years I've been in the Air Force."

  On the co-pilot's seat, a pilot who was about thirty years old looked at the other pilot next to him and inquired.

  "I don't know, don't ask what you shouldn't." The man interrupted him nonchalantly.

  "Actual combat missions aren't many, and those like us who fly strategic bombers are even rarer, don't ask, completing this mission is a third-class merit." In the back, a slightly younger pilot interjected.

  "Sit tight, supersonic cruise will take place in ten seconds." The captain who was piloting the airplane said, at the same time, he picked up the microphone and said, "Acceleration is about to take place, please sit tight and get ready, both passengers!"

  As soon as his words fell, the huge wings of the H-15 bomber retracted backward, while the four engines under the wings spewed out brighter flames of light. Ten seconds later, a huge sonic boom cloud flashed by. The behemoth easily crossed the sound barrier, taking her two passengers in pursuit of her target.

  And in the middle of the bomb bay, Li Xue didn't fare too well. With the loud noise and the wobbly seatbelt, if it wasn't for the protection of the single tactical armor, Li Xue would really be a bit overwhelmed.

  He looked towards Ayrin, only to see a layer of light blue halo floating over Ayrin's entire body, and the whole person didn't look like she was having any hard time. "How are you feeling?" Li Xue asked aloud.

  "I'm fine!" Erin replied just as loudly. "But how long do we have to catch up with them?"

  Li Xue glanced at the information window in his helmet and replied "Eighteen minutes we can catch up with them."

  Li Xue looked at the light blue glow on her body and asked, "What is this, magic? Or soul power?"

  "It's my soul power, I'm externalizing it to isolate the noise!"

  "You're really good at everything with this thing! Not only can it defend against attacks, it can also isolate noise," Li Xue said with an envious look at Ayrin.

  Although with the shield of the helmet, Ayrin couldn't see Li Xue's face, that envy still traveled along the translation ring.

  "I can teach you to cultivate after this is over!" Ayrin said with a proud face.

  "Although you've already missed the best age for cultivation, your flesh that has been refined over a thousand years is no less than some mid-first rank warriors. So although it's grueling, it might be possible to make up for it."

  And at this moment, Li Xue had already fallen into a beautiful fantasy. With over two million troops in the country, there were even more physically stronger than him. Even if only one-tenth of them cultivated it, and then supplemented it with single tactical armor, the scene would be simply too good to imagine.

  Huang Xing felt a burst of pain coming out of his head, just like when he used to wake up the next day after a hangover.

  "What did one go for last night?" A question surfaced. "Hiss! Headache!" Huang Xing couldn't help but let out a miserable shriek, reaching out his hand to grab the handrail beside the bed, wanting to help sit up, but futilely grabbing it several times without grabbing anything.

  Just then, a burst of murmurs came from the headphones, and so on several times, finally pulling Huang Xing's sanity back.

  He tried restarting his single soldier armor, but it was still pitch black inside the helmet, and he knew that the entire electronic system of the single soldier armor had been completely scrapped.

He finally recalled that he had been captured!

  He tried to move his body, only to find that he was firmly immobilized, and that his communication system had been completely disabled for some reason, and he couldn't reach command.

  He tried twisting his head and realized that he was being held firmly in a giant red-colored steel claw. The owner of the giant claw was the same crimson figure that had emerged from the flames.

  He looked to the other side and found that less than three hundred meters behind his side, there were actually three J-10M fighters following closely.

  He brought the mechanical optical binoculars on his helmet that still worked to his eyes, and saw the mounts under the wings of those three J-10M fighters, two long-range, four medium-range, and two fighting bombs.

  Huang Xing let out a bitter smile, it seemed that the other party hadn't opened fire because of himself, this was really dragging the others down!

  "You're awake?" Noticing Huang Xing's movements, Clarea looked at him and asked.

  "Can you tell me where this place is?" Keleia asked again.

When Kleya heard that, she felt that things were going badly, it seemed that she had really arrived in a strange place.

  The language barrier, and attacking someone else's army, and now the other party's air force was still dead behind her. If it wasn't for the fact that he still had the other party's soldiers on his hands, the other party would have already punched himself down.

  After Craya desperately fled for some distance, she found that the scenery below was very different from what she remembered, and the flying machine of the other air force was also very different from that of the continent, and she knew then that she might have crossed over.

  Things have come to the present, Keleia is finally certain that she and Erin are considered to be in big trouble.

  Just as Keleia was thinking about what to do next, a thunderous whistling sound came from behind her, as if a huge dragon was roaring up to the sky.

  At the same time, the air around herself began to fluctuate violently, it was a huge object approaching at an extremely high speed!

  And from Huang Xing's perspective, with the help of his telescope, he could clearly see that above the clouds several hundred meters above himself, a figure like a giant whale was roaring and tearing through the air. One could even hear the shrill whistling of the wingtips cutting through the air!

  Now Huang Xing had no idea what this was all about, he had already seen what the huge black shadow swimming above the clouds was, it was a "White Swan"!

  Three super modified J-10M fighters, whose performance exceeds that of a typical fifth-generation aircraft, and an H-15 bomber modified from a TU-160 bomber, and they are still flying towards the border. To destroy the small country next to it? But to exterminate it, there was no need for H-15 bombers! And aren't those three J-10M fighters coming after them?

  Just as Huang Xing was rambling on, he suddenly glimpsed the sea of clouds that had been sent down suddenly surging up, and a huge black shadow broke through the sea of clouds and flew to a position about a kilometer below their flanks, it was a Y-20 transport plane.

  "White Swan calling, target sighted, passengers in good condition, will disembark in sixty seconds, over!"

  "Command receives, permission for passengers to disembark, good luck!"

  Just then, an unmanned reconnaissance drone hanging under the wing of a Boom-15 was dropped. The black drone unfolded its slender wings, and the tail nozzle spewed out a line of orange blaze that flew off earlier. It was the eyes of the command to record this unprecedented operation.

  "Report! The toucan has arrived at the target airspace and will arrive at the receiving position in thirty seconds." Right at this moment, a correspondent turned back and said loudly.

  Inside the command headquarters, Luo Tian heard the report, picked up the microphone at hand, and said, "Li Xue, the mission will begin in forty seconds, notify Ms. Aileen so she can get ready."

"Roger!" Li Xue looked at Erin and said loudly, "Start the mission in thirty seconds! Remember, you'll see another big airplane after you go down, do you remember what the airplane in the picture looks like? Board it immediately after you pick it up."

  Although the process of this mission was not complicated, and Li Xue had already emphasized it with her many times, but now, Li Xue emphasized it again.

  "No problem, I remember it all! Guarantee to complete the mission!" Ayrin replied loudly.

  "Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! ..." Li Xue began a loud countdown, "Zero! Drop!" Li Xue shouted.

  At this moment, the magazine slowly opened, a violent gust of wind poured in, Erin's long ice blue hair danced with the wind, just like the seaweed in the sea.

  "Boom!" A slight explosion sounded, the explosive bolts bounced off, and Erin plummeted downwards like an ice elf dancing with the wind in the middle of the far north ice field.

  Whether in the middle of the command headquarters or on top of the fighter jet, everyone's eyes were glued to Ayrin for fear of missing a second.

  After Ayrin had descended several hundred meters, everyone saw a scene that they would never forget.

  Ayrin pulled out the ice-blue short sword at her waist, held the hilt with both hands, and stood in front of her chest. In the next instant, an ice-blue light erupted from above the sword, and that brilliant light formed a huge ice-blue rose in the sky.

  At the same time, Ayrin stopped falling, as if there was an invisible hand dragging her down. As the ice-blue rose dispersed, a divine machine that was about three meters tall and carved out of ice appeared in mid-air.

  At this moment, Eileen, under the backdrop of the divine machine, was like a female Valkyrie.

  The light behind the ice-blue divine machine flashed and rushed towards Keleia, at the same time, a loud roar that swallowed the mountains and rivers resounded through the airspace under the support of the fighting qi: "Sister Keleia! You stop for me!!!"