Chapter 13: The Plan Succeeds

When Keleia heard this earth-shattering yell, her body trembled and came to a violent stop. The Yellow Star, who was in her hands, almost didn't pass out from the tremendous acceleration.

  Clarea turned her head and saw the familiar ice blue figure speeding towards her, feeling the friendly atmosphere, she couldn't hold back the tears that came out of her eyes.

  Originally, she was ready to say goodbye to Irene forever, but now she saw her flying towards her, just as she had accompanied her to the battlefield that day.

  In a matter of seconds, Irene had already arrived in front of Keleia. Keleia grabbed her and hugged her in her arms, crying out, "It's good to be back! It's good to be back!"

  Erin, on the other hand, gently stroked her long, flame-like hair, buried her head in her ear, and said softly, "Nah! I'm back."

  Above the thousand meter sea of clouds, the two young girls embraced like this, feeling each other's heartbeats. Ice blue and crimson mingled, and under the moonlight, it was as if it was a most beautiful picture.

  But at that moment, a flashing light interrupted them.

  It was Huang Xing, who was caught in the claws of the Red Battle Hime. At this moment, he took out probably the only intact electronic device in his body from his belt pouch - a flashlight that was claimed to be strong enough to remain intact in a nuclear explosion.

  He kept flicking the switch, and kept making three short, three long, and three short light phrases (the common light phrases of the SOS international distress signal, which belonged to the Morse code) to the nearest Transport-20.

  Not far away, the transport-20 that had been constantly flying around similarly played out Morse code with lights, while slowing down and slowly opening the rear hatch.

  Seeing this, Irene finally remembered Li Xue's instructions, and couldn't wait to warm up to Kleya again. Instead, she took over the Yellow Star, grabbed Keleia's hand, and flew towards the Transport-20.

  Keleia was grabbed by Ayrin and flew towards the Transport-20, and although she was puzzled, out of her trust in Ayrin, she just asked, "What's the situation now?"

  "We'll talk about it later, this time the two of us have made a big mess." Erin didn't reply with, but just said with a bitter smile.

  A few moments later, the two of them precisely rushed into the hatch of the Transport-20. With an ear-splitting sound of metal rubbing against metal and a string of piercing sparks flying up, the two hit the blocking ropes and buffer bands that had been arranged in advance, and the two divine machines finally came to a halt as they slid through a third of the distance of the cabin.

  After the two came to a stop, Erin gently placed the Yellow Star, which she had held in her arms during the landing just now, on the ground, and then held Keleia's shoulders with both hands, staring into her eyes, she said: ''Disarm yourself first, I know that you definitely don't have a translation ring, and you don't speak the same language as them, so try to do what they say, and they won't give you a hard time. I'm going to pick up one more person, I'll be right back."

At this time, two soldiers with seatbelts on their bodies and wearing even heavier single tactical armor pushed the stretcher bed over to this side.

  Huang Xing recognized that it was the special tactical armor of the chemical defense force, special tactical armor specifically used for fighting in the high-intensity radiation zone after a nuclear explosion, while the internal circulation system it possessed was enough to resist any biochemical weapons and bacterial viruses.

  Huang Xing watched them approach and tried to get up, but was gently held down by one of them while the other said, "Don't move yet." The two men then skillfully disassembled the tactical armor on Huang Xing's body, whose electronic system was completely scrapped, and put it aside.

  One person began to ask Huang Xing if there was anything uncomfortable about his body as well, while the other began to quickly examine Huang Xing's physical condition.

  After about thirty seconds, after determining that there was nothing wrong with Huang Xing's body, the two men slowly lifted Huang Xing up and placed him on a stretcher bed, pushing him towards the rear of the cabin.

  In that compartment that had been temporarily built up, there were perfect medical facilities and all sorts of testing equipment. At this time, another team wearing the same tactical armor came over and placed the set of tactical armor removed from Huang Xing's body into a silver-white box marked with the bright red words "High-risk items, please do not touch". Two people lifted it up and carefully walked towards the other side.

  At this moment, Huang Xing finally saw the so-called medical personnel, who were not wearing white coats, but rather white, fully-enclosed triple-proof suits. If one didn't look at the various medical equipment they were holding, one would mistake the place they were going to as Chernobyl.

  Erin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Yellowstar being wheeled in, and walked over to Ren's unclosed hatch, looking up to the rear.

  Having seen Erin walk to the rear of the cabin through the drone, Command connected to the Boom-15's comms and ordered, "The second passenger may disembark."

  Upon receiving the order, the massive hull of the Boom-15 drew a circle in the sky and flew to a point about five thousand meters away from the Carrier-20. And it kept its flight position right behind it, five hundred meters higher than the Yun-20.

  Li Xue looked at the thirty-second countdown countdown above the information window, his heart bursting with nervousness.

  After thirty seconds, the straight line distance between the Boom-15 and the Transport-20 would be shortened to two thousand meters, at which point Li Xue would be dropped.

  Li Xue was not born in the special forces, and did not have this kind of training that field troops would never use in their lifetime. If it wasn't for the emergency situation, he probably wouldn't have encountered this kind of mission in his entire life.

  Finally, after the thirty-second countdown turned to zero, the magazine opened, and amidst the crisp explosion of the explosive bolts, Li Xue began his first high-altitude rappel!

  As the safety belt was disconnected, a sharp sensation of weightlessness came over him, while the altitude reading on the information window began to fall crazily.

  Li Xue opened his arms, and after counting three times in his heart, he violently pulled the handle on his shoulder. That was the ignition of the flight backpack, and with a unique ignition sound of the turbofan engine, while a pair of black carbon fiber deflectors popped out from the back, Li Xue stabilized his stance and flew towards the Yun-20 in front of him.

  At this point, Li Xue could already clearly see the orange-colored guidance lights on the tail of the Yun-20, and he maneuvered the flight pack towards the hatch.

  According to the original plan, he didn't need to fly directly into the cabin of the Y-20, instead, he just needed to get close to the hatch, and Eileen would maneuver the divine machine to approach him there.

However, as Li Xue got closer to the transporter, it became more and more difficult to control the direction. Affected by the air vortex stirred up by the huge fuselage of the transport-20, Li Xue was now like a flat boat in the midst of a storm, and the power of the flight backpack could not break through the air vortex at all.

  Now, Li Xue could only rely on his previous experience of using the flight backpack to control the deflector plate and the tail fins, struggling to stabilize his flight trajectory. The short distance of a few thousand meters was like an insurmountable moat in Li Xue's eyes!

  Just as Li Xue was flying forward with great difficulty, an ice-blue figure flew out from the cabin of the Yun-20. She danced on the wind, as if the violent and complicated air currents could not cause any hindrance to her.

  A few moments later, Irene's Ice Goddess flew to Li Xue's side, reached out her hand, and pulled Li Xue to her feet with a smile, "I saw how hard it was for you to fly, so I've come to give you a ride!"

  With Erin's guidance, Li Xue instantly felt a small amount of pressure on himself, while sighing in his heart, "The Goddess Machine, it's really something that doesn't make sense!"

  Ten seconds later, the two of them landed safely in the cabin of the Transport-20. As the cabin door of the Transport-20 slowly closed, a cheer went out from the command headquarters, and this unprecedented operation was successfully completed.